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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

For my power is greatest when you are weak

  Peru is divided in three different climates: Rainforest, dessert & Ocean and mountains - the Andes. We spent one month in Peru. As well as different the climates are so are the people and the ways people live. In no other country we had so many ministry opportunities. I remember one day in one of the villages in the Andes: 3 School visits, later children programm in a park and then in the evening evangelism in a public place. That's a good example of how packed the time in Peru was. Additional it was cold, we couldn't sleep much...
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Back in the past

From Israel coming, arriving in Russia is like traveling at least 30 years back into the past. In Israel where WIFI is everywhere available, even on public buses or on beaches, it was hard to find one place with WIFI in Russia. Comfortable 2 level trains in Israel vs  old overcrowded underground trains in Russia, where it's almost impossible to get a seat…. People in need are hungry for the Gospel! Although the most people can't speak any English, we could sense their hunger for more. And: “happy are those who are persecuted for they do what God requires; for...
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Expect the Unexpected

  One of the reasons why I applied for “work your way” was definitely Israel. After a view weeks of Training in South Africa, there was no leader and too many young guys in the “work your way” team.. God had different plans for me. I prayed and decided to join “Hidden World”, the only team which doesn't go to Israel. :( So I prayed that God will make a way to go to Israel. And the last days of training the opportunity for our team to go to Israel was given. So our team prayed and we decided to...
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Turkey - confronted by blessings

On the fourth of march we arrived in Istanbul, a city with about 10 million people. By God's grace we found a very cheap hostel right in the centre between the famous mosque "Hagia sophia" and the sea (Bosporus)! Already at this place we experienced the hospitableness and kindness of turkish people, just amazing! A week later we arrived in Izmir. For the first time in my life I saw Christian believers worshipping God in an underground church! An incredible experience! So many different nations, but all having the same father! A completely filled church! A lot of joy!! Our...
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Training almost over... adventure awaits!

Dear friends,  We have now only one week of Training in Jbay left, on the 3rd of march we will take a plane from Johannesburg to Turkey. I'm really excited to meet new people, get to know a new country, new culture, etc.  The last days in training has been a big blessing for us, we could join amazing sessions and had failureship together.  I also get to know some Germans of the organization "christian surfers", who joined us for some evening sessions. It feels like the world is so small :) It seems like more and more people from...
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