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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Day in the life of practical missions

Day in the life of practical missions
6h15       – Grudgingly wake up. 6h25       - Get out of bed and go on Pokémon  Go inspired morning run (and ironically hatched and Slowpoke, I think my phone is trying to tell me something). 7h00       - Make a quick breakfast and the more important coffee, back into bed, quite time. 7h40       - Get out of bed again, into work clothes, bathroom break, onto bicycle and of to the building site I go. 8h15       - Start work, painting wall what can only be described as Hulk green. I like painting. 10h30    - Coffee break. 11h00...
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The last and final update?

The last and final update?
The long overdue update and thank you Since it is a bit difficult to describe 2 years in a few word, and since I disappeared of the map for a while I will start with very short highlights. After the last country updates and some more. Thanks: Thank for all the people who followed and supported me over the last 2 years Future: The first 6 months of 2015 will be in Jeffreys Bay where I will be a full time volunteer at GCEX Numbers: 2 Years, 5 continents, 33 Countries, 20 Flights (excluding SA), countless hours on buses including...
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New beginnings Croatia

New beginnings Croatia
How top put 6 weeks down in one blog? By being short on details and focus on the cool stuff and not being chronological. (sorry for my detailed readers) Camps We arrived in Croatia and was directly taken to the Camp Focus grounds. It is in the mountains with forest all rounds and is very beautiful. We spent the first few days preparing for the first camp doing odd jobs and whatever is needed around the base. Most of the time in between camps was spent with odd jobs. Some debarking trees and cutting grass and finishing buildings and beds...
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Detour Germany

Detour Germany
Detour So Germany was not in the original planning as a country to visit, but due to visa reasons we had to go there, the irony was that after our flights was booked Hanna, that is in J-bay but was going to visit a friend in Germany, saw that we would be landing a day after her and flying out a day after her. And since her friend that she would be visiting is involved with the Hillsong church in Germany asked if it would be possible to serve them. The friend came back to say that it would be...
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Going higher Turkey

Going higher Turkey
Turkey update 1 ended with us about to leave Kusadasie. We wanted to go to Cappadocia, but we did not really have the finances for that and I felt for a while that we need to do a hitch hike in Turkey I decided now is the time. The only problem was that I was under a slight misunderstanding of where exactly Cappadocia was in Turkey. I thought it was about 100km from where we were at the sights of the old city of Colosse and Laodicea, but in fact it was about 700km away not at Colosse. This I...
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It's Turkey time

It's Turkey time
Istanbul Our time in Turkey started with us having to wait 1 day in Istanbul for Esther our Zambian team member that has not yet joined us due to visa issues. We landed in the Asia side airport and had to make our way to the Europe side airport, so we were going to stay in central Istanbul so we can take the day and do some sightseeing while we wait. In the days before we flew I felt that we should not look for accommodation and book a place, so when we landed we took a bus to Taksim...
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Desert wanderings in Jordan

Desert wanderings in Jordan
So we started our Jordan trip with a very easy border crossing that put us in Mafraq about 2 hours earlier than anyone expected. Once again we got very few and basic questions at the border and gave them honest answers and said some things we probably should not say. We started our ministry at …. and that concluded our time of ministry in Jordan. We had the privilege of being donated some money to go traveling in Jordan and we used it to go to Wadi Rum and a few places along the way for our last days in...
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1200 Hits

The Holy land

The Holy land
Jordan to Israel As a team we got to the airport on time, in fact most of the team got there early and that made me happy. The flight and layovers were good and we had no difficulties. We got to the Amman airport late afternoon and were not going to attempt crossing over to Israel since it would be a close call if we would find the border open. So our only option was to stay overnight at the airport and take the earliest transport to the border. We looked around for transport options so we would be settled...
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888 Hits

Training update 2014

Training update 2014
Such a long time since I last sent a decent update. Things has been busy and a bit unsettled so it has been difficult to send an update. Since a few days ago things are a bit more know so I will give it a try now. The team One of the things that were a bit unsettled was the team, as in who would be going on the journey. We are 7 members in the team that is going to be travelling this year, 2 guys and 5 girls. We are also leaving behind 2 girls that are not...
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Orange team explore South Africa

Orange team explore South Africa
As fitting for someone that has no place to sleep but his car, I offered my services to the 2 Canadians whom had some time left in South Africa after debrief to see some of South Africa. And thus we started what was the road trip. We started in Witrivier, were I got Danica and Sabra late on 1 December, and we had a look at some sort of planning that was done on where they want to go ect. Problem nr 1 was that we did not have a place to sleep on 2de, but since we were planning...
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