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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

The Finifugal Traveler

Finifugal used to simply be one of those pretty words that sounded cool if one of my english friends used it in a sentence. Little did I know that this word, that sounded like some or other Asian dish in one of Eastbound's stories, would gain meaning and reveal one of my hearts greatest fears. It is used to describe a person who fears endings, who tries to avoid the final moments of a story, relationship or some memorable journey. Someone who runs from goodbyes and prolong the ending of a good book. I used to be a finifugal traveler....
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What I have always dreamt of...

I have always wanted to change the world! Ever since I can remember I have had the crazy dream of making history for God. I wanted to make an impact that is bigger than myself. I wanted to have a legacy that doesn't make sense for an average farm girl from Bloemfontein...I wanted to make a lasting difference, play a significant role in this age that I was born into. And at twenty-three I am closer to that than ever before! I get to be a Worlds Changer of future World Changers! Future History Makers! I see men and women...
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God of the unfit and ordinary

The empty streets of Bethlehem were filled with a quiet novelty that danced in the gentle orange splashes as the sun rose over the birth town of my Saviour. I made may way to the specific spot that He led me to a few mornings ago - turning away from the steeple of the beautiful Nativity church and vibrant Manger square... walking in the opposite direction toward a viewpoint on the corner of busy street. He led me through an average neighbourhood toward an average street to spend time with Him, while looking over the roof of a seemingly average...
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The Living Proof

"Prove to me that your God is not dead!"     The straight forward, nearly aggressive demand of the stranger in the shopping center kept ringing through my ears... Who are you to claim that your god is the only True God, the only Living God?! You have the Bible, I have the Koran, you have faith, I have science. Prove to me that what you believe is the Truth! My insides cringed for a moment, my all too cozy corner of inferiority and self belittlement called out in the sweetest of voices, reminding me of exactly how far my...
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The God of a Global one-year-student = The God of a University first-year-student

This blog is a bit different from the other “recent posts”, I know… but this morning I woke up with a heart that just wants to overflow unto my laptop buttons! Who am I, and where am I? I’m an ex-Global Challenger from last year that is sitting in my hometown, in an on-campus residence room, studying, like everyone else around me! I am a girl that tasted the life of a crazy backpacker living out Jesus to strangers all over South- and Central-America, that came back to the normal life of a university student. So that’s me, but here’s...
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Come and let us build a puzzle... (we went on a Luke 10 journey)!

Come and let us build a puzzle... (we went on a Luke 10 journey)!
Our Luke 10 journey in Ecuador...where do I start? What do I say? You see, I feel like I’m a five year old, standing in front of a wall sized puzzle, trying to chose one single piece to describe. It is like having the menus of Mac Donald’s , KFC, Burger King, Subway and Cinnabon in front of you and you have to decide on one favourite meal! So, with that said, please understand that there is so much more to this testimony than I could ever try and blog about…because this is about God! I mean the Limitless, All-knowing,...
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A stormy day, a foolish question and a blanket = GRACE

It is a rainy Sunday in Guatemala today...out of the quietness inside of me I feel this strange urge to write a blog! So with my cup of tea and blanket, I am starting to write something about something that I haven't thought through at's a new thing for me!  But truth is, that is what this whole journey with God has been like for me, up to this point at least! Out of everything, I could not figure anything out beforehand or plan it into detail, I cannot control it or understand it, and in some cases I...
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Guatemala Challenge

Guatemala Challenge
Challenge day in Panajachel, Guatemala...   It is lunch time and as we came to sit down, Jean, very brave and confident in his Spanish speaking skills, saidÑ ¨Perro, por favor¨ . For those of you that is not familiar with the language... he ordered a ¨plate of dog meat¨ for us!!! The poor waitress´ face - PRICELESS!!!!  In this first couple of hours of our challenge the new Pink team  (Jean, Jansie and Luiza) has taken pictures of nearly 70 tuk-tuks, 10 different nationalities and  3 soccer fields. We have seen the volcano and made a human tower in...
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God's journal in Cuba

God's journal in Cuba
While turning through the treasure chest pages of the valuable Word of God, God's journal, something switched a light on in my heart... The Author of this book never spent more than a few sentences to describe the places that the characters walked, the things they've seen. He didn't think it necessary to explain how the garden of Eden looked and what the view from king Solomon's palace was. We never read about the colours, smells and sounds of the market place in Babel or the dusty streets of Emmaus, the inside of a big fish! How did it feel...
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Speechless in Barbados...

Speechless in Barbados...
God came and met me in Barbados in a way that left me without words...the God that created colour, Who breathed and dreamed in colour deposited His colour into my being and made me live life the colourful way...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
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