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Come and let us build a puzzle... (we went on a Luke 10 journey)!

Come and let us build a puzzle... (we went on a Luke 10 journey)!
Our Luke 10 journey in Ecuador...where do I start? What do I say? You see, I feel like I’m a five year old, standing in front of a wall sized puzzle, trying to chose one single piece to describe. It is like having the menus of Mac Donald’s , KFC, Burger King, Subway and Cinnabon in front of you and you have to decide on one favourite meal! So, with that said, please understand that there is so much more to this testimony than I could ever try and blog about…because this is about God! I mean the Limitless, All-knowing,...
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The pro's of not understanding their language....

The pro's of not understanding their language....
I have no idea what on earth I expected, but I never even considered that language would be such a big gap to bridge when it comes to ministering in South America! Well, being a Vrystaatse farm girl, that considers English as a forreign language, you can just imagine what went through my mind as we stepped off the airplane in São Paulo, Brazil... Never mind English , everything was in Portugese !!! And I mean EVERYTHING and everyone! The stop signs, ATM's, soda names, stop signs, custom ladies, exit signs, DVD's, television programs....oooh and I can go on...! But...
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Dear Diary

19:46,  24 April 2013   Today was our third day in Bogota, Colombia. As I'm sitting here, looking back at this day, Max is playing songs on her guitar...voicing all my heart is trying to say: . We went to a market in the center of the city, hopping on public busses and looking like real tourists, I enjoyed that a lot. Man, the market...even as I think back on that I can feel a little girl jumping up and down inside of me, soaking in all the colours. Oranges , purples , greens , blues , reds , pinks...
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God of the unfit and ordinary

The empty streets of Bethlehem were filled with a quiet novelty that danced in the gentle orange splashes as the sun rose over the birth town of my Saviour. I made may way to the specific spot that He led me to a few mornings ago - turning away from the steeple of the beautiful Nativity church and vibrant Manger square... walking in the opposite direction toward a viewpoint on the corner of busy street. He led me through an average neighbourhood toward an average street to spend time with Him, while looking over the roof of a seemingly average...
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What do you mean it's not about me?

Wait! What? This is not about me?    So I am selfish. Done. That's it. What else is left to say? Listen to this sentence - it tells you values that Global Challenge decided on. We share the Good news to a world in need. Guess what I concentrated on. Yup, good guess! The 'we'-part.  Luckily I can promise you this: God will reveal unto you if in anything you are otherwise (than what He wants) minded (Phil 3:15). Because He is faithful to His word, He came to show me how absolutely selfish I am. I started realizing how...
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Wasted life, because I have insecurities.

  I am so scared of using christianese. I used to judge people who used the word "journey" and "blessing". For me it was death! But now I'm starting to get there! So funny! I asked God to please take away my "judger". And ever since then, when I judge somebody for a characteristic, I get the characteristic #
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