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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...


While we were in Lima(Peru) we had to drive to Jicamarca with a public bus just about everyday. It's about an hour's drive depending on the days traffic . On our way there Pastor George would tell us to sing a song. We would sing "Open the eyes of my heart, Lord" in English and Spanish. After the song he would point to one of the team members and ask that person to share a testimony. That was quite an interesting experience to stand up in a bus full of people and start sharing. This continued untill we got to...
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God is all I need

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. Psalms 23:1 NLT I read The Heavenly Man and realized what it meant to live a life knowing that God is all that we need. Brother Yun (The Heavenly Man) went through the most difficult situations. He was thrown into prison 3 times and there he was treated horribly. He was tortured and starved and through it all he still sang praises to God with a joyful heart. He had nothing to hold on to except God. And that was enough. That is how he made it day after...
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Always smiling. Always happy to see us. Waving with pure excitement. The people's unconditional love for us was really something to experience.   God blessed us with an amazing time in Anafora. We worked hard; digging holes, building fences, chiseling pictures into a wall and much more. We spent a lot of time with some of the people working with us, getting to know them although we couldn't speak each others languages. We laughed a lot.   We had a prayer meeting in the church every night at 8. It was amazing. We sang together and then we read a...
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Give me Samuel's ear

I heard the hollow eco's of silence. Darkness surrounded me and emptiness lurked within.   Suddenly a piercing cry smashed through the silence, "stop believing the lies!" I wondered what lies the voice was talking about. Then the light engulfed the darkness and I realized what the lies was. I always thought God didn't speak to me. But then He started to reveal all the times He did speak and I just didn't realize it was Him. I thought I made up the pictures and words I got, that it was only my imagination. I didn't even think that it...
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I am chosen

I'm not good enough  I'm not worthy I'm fat I'm ugly I'm full of flaws I'm damaged goods I'm unfixable   These are all the lies I believed. These are the lies that corrupted my thoughts. These are the lies that damaged my heart.    But  God came and spoke truth in me.  I AM good enough I AM worthy  I AM wonderfully made I AM beautiful  I AM perfect I AM everything He wants me to be   He set me free from the enemies grasp. And He told me that I am chosen. He has chosen me to...
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