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the unknown road

Sitting on a night at the final end of a training period for new students of Global Challenge Expeditions, I find myself excited for them and their year. The adventures to be had, the people to be met, the views to be seen and the roads to be walked/jumped/ran on or where they would just stand - to take it all in.   Little more than 4 years ago, I was the new pilgrim embarking on the fresh path of the unknown, with the only constant assurance being that that which lies ahead was already planned by a Higher hand....
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A painfully beautuful interdependance.

This kind of life is challenging me to the point of action. I am in awe of how I am so often humbled. Just when I think I know what life is about, I am reminded of my inability to live as I so believe I should, as well as my total ignorance. To live in a interdependant community with the core value of loving one another to life is very hard. We are called to pick up our cross daily, and we expect it to be comfortable.    This is where the magic of the upside-down Kingdom is giving...
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A glimpse of the collatoral beauty.

I have changed. Changing even still. I remember sitting inches from the television realizing with relief that I missed yet another day. Afraid that the day would indeed hold as little as I'd expected. I could not stand being proved right. I would not survive the knowing that life did indeed have as little to offer as I've imagined. So I'd rather not. Not go for that walk, not smell those roses, not dance in the rain, not drive all the way to the top and look at the lights. I'd rather live with the fantasy that those things are...
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When you are judging someone, congradulations! You stand the chance to discover more of His beauty!

Learning to love differences.    I always took a lot of pride in believing I was a supporter of diversity. I have only now started realizing how deep the differences lay and how often we are offended, reason being this ignorance.   We did a temperament test a while a go, that changed my perception sooo much!   On that note,   Oh how I've learnt to love oblivion. One of the Love's sweetest way of loving us is to humble us. "There is in fact more to life than you know"    There is more to hope for. Once again...
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Don't miss out on the beauty that surrounds you.

You can develop a healthy robust community that lives right with God only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other with honor and dignity. -James 3:18   I have heard missionaries say one of the hardest things they have dealt with and one of the biggest reasons why missionaries give up is other missionaries.    Jesus asks us to love and we think it sweet, untill...   -The dishes never gets done -Your spend hours cooking and they have the nerve to give you cooking tips and comments on how loud you are in the...
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I am already sorry I thought this. #sorrynotsorrysosorry

Oh how I've learnt to love oblivion. One of The Love's sweetest way of loving us is to humble us. "There is in fact more to life than you know"    There is more to hope for. Once again I am found wanting. A sweet need to discover another side of His reality, one learns to love so easily.    This is how I understand it so don't quote me. We are all made in God's image, but then sin gave us a heart of stone. Whenever conviction takes place, a new manner of thinking is introduced to you. The...
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Sounds the call to come together...

Sounds the call to come together...
  Sounds the call to come together, and united we shall stand.  It is not every day that I get to experience larger-than-life movements or moments. I remember 2 weeks ago when Dawid made the announcement at our weekly celebration meeting: "the community will embark on a 10 day Daniel fast, in preparation to one of the biggest gatherings in our country. Join us if you wish. And also, we are praying for peace, unity and salvation for our land".  I looked around as the girls who were clearly thinking the same thing... fooood!? Whyyyyy!? Noooooo!!!! So we started day...
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Finish Strong.

India.   Our last country. The final stretch.   India was challenging to our team in many ways. Besides the fact that the people worship cows, meaning cow pies were everywhere, and don't appreciate hygiene at all, there were worse things happening.   You see India is like a battlefield. Like a war zone. You either suit up, or you get hurt. The places we visited during our time there were all places where you couldn't let your relationship with God slip.   We started off in Delhi, wow, what a city. People and cattle walk side by side. Hindu...
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What a Journey?

India...hahaha that is enough said for this blog. For all who were there you know it's hard. If you can get past the dirty, crowded ally ways with a now and then suprising tuk tuk trying to get past while hooting wildly at you, the only citizen by right to actually be in the ally. Then yeah maby it could be a good time, oh if you can also survive the smell of wet cow and human feses with a colony of flies protecting it and dead bodies burning next to the river, then you are a badass. You see...
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In Deep.

I am no spoiled brat and I'm use to things not being 5 star, but I could not help realising in what condition the country was. It was bad and seemed poor, but I was exited because this was Nepal ! We rested for a few days at a hostel where our leaders ,Louw and Mynette, spoke to some pastors because we had no set ministry point. Then things got spicy! One morning at the church we stayed at, we were unexpectedly asked to preach so I volunteered because who would want to preach unexpected? Anyway my translater struggled now...
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