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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Finish Strong.

India.   Our last country. The final stretch.   India was challenging to our team in many ways. Besides the fact that the people worship cows, meaning cow pies were everywhere, and don't appreciate hygiene at all, there were worse things happening.   You see India is like a battlefield. Like a war zone. You either suit up, or you get hurt. The places we visited during our time there were all places where you couldn't let your relationship with God slip.   We started off in Delhi, wow, what a city. People and cattle walk side by side. Hindu...
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  What a blissful time! And when we say bliss. We mean Holy Spirit FIRE!    Seven days, eleven willing hearts and multiple touched lives, ours included. We spent such a short time in Malaysia, so short we didn't even think it would be worth it. Boy were we wrong!  I don't quite have words to describe what happened here. So I'd rather share some short testimonies:  We served the homeless three times in the week we were here. That's not what impacted us so much though, it was going out and seeing familiar faces sitting on the street corner,...
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I am a person.

  "You can only love Me with the amount you love yourself." When I heard that I felt like I should have gotten up and ran as fast as I could. Run until my legs couldn't carry me anymore. I couldn't though. It was as if something had glued me to the cold cement floor. "You can only love Me with the amount you love yourself." Lord. I don't even acknowledge myself as a person? How do I love myself??? "You are allowed to love Me, love me with unconditional LOVE, and feel good about it." What is unconditional love?...
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A tribute to our Refugee friends.

  It rained today, the type of weather that screams 'stay in bed'. I didn't feel like going to the camp but I promised you I would, so I went.  I had lots of plans for new games we could play and I also promised to still braid your hair.  But you weren't there... I walked through the camp, expecting you to come running, screaming my name as you always did, but you didn't. There were no running footsteps, no waving hair and bright smile. No one eagerly grabbing my hand and saying 'come, come' to play a new game....
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Nepal. What a discovery.

Our time in Nepal was moderately long, but jam packed with things to do. We met amazing people, spent time in amazing places and experienced the culture first hand in many different situations. Where to start? Maybe in the Himalayas where we spent a week moving "mountains" of rocks for our Sherpa friends who will be building a church later.  From being crammed up against each other (and others) in public busses fit to seat 20 people comfortably, but with a max fitting of up to 40 people, to walking from early morning,visiting churches, till the evening, God met us...
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My first flight

  Checking in? It went a little off track than what we thought it would. There were a few technical difficulties and we were not quite booked for our flight to Doha. But we serve a God of miracles! We were exactly on time for our flight. I was dropped off by my father, brother in law and sister at the airport in Johannesburg. We shared a quick coffee and then the reality hit me. I'm leaving the country in 3 hours!!!!!!!!!! It was hard. Every breath hurt as I hugged them and watched them leave. What am I doing?...
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