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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

God? He loves me?!

We sing about His love in Sunday School, we get told over and over agian how real it is and ´Jesus loves you´is said so much we have almost stopped listening... But wow! He really really loves me and the way he shows it is overwhelming!  So we were given 6 days to do whatever we felt God was telling us to do. Four of us felt that God wanted us to go to Columbia, yes, Columbia. I was excited and nervous and pleased that God wanted me to go with 3 strong guys as the picture I had in...
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Better late than never...

No one ever said that acheiving the impossible was easy, neither did they say it would be this awesome! So a couple of weeks ago the 5 amazing people of Blue team set out from Mendoza, Argentina with everything we own on our backs and the aim of being about 5000 kilometers away in 6 days with nowhere near enough money... someone say fun? We got off to a great start, we walked straight into a street party ( Argentina had just won the soccer) and a couple of hours later had managed to hitch a lift in the back of a...
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India to Cambodia

India to Cambodia
What a ride the last 5 weeks have been! We arrived in India and headed up to Shimla in the Himalayas where we experienced the colour festival... Climbed snow covered mountains... and spoke to the locals about hinduism. It is very interesting. Everything is relative, they believe in over 3 million gods, but always agree when we say there is only one, and often even go to church. They will happily accept that Jesus is a god but not that He is the only way. Our very last day in Shimla we went on a prayer walk and ended up...
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Tomorrow a whole new chapter of my life starts. Tomorrow I fly out to India. Tomorrow 15 young people totally commited to God board a plane for adventure and sacrifice, for growth and service. Tomorrow my world changes... Tomorrow I learn what it really means to give everything to God and rely on Him. Tomorrow I start to find out how much what I have learnt and experienced these past 6 weeks and my whole life has equipped me.I have seen God work so powerfully in me and through me this year and I am so excited for more! I have seen...
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Reality TV versus Reality

I think that sometimes reality is harder to believe than what we see on TV; the truth -  more amazing than fiction... Just less than a month ago we had our first taste of the legendary 'challenge' part of Global Challenge: a mini amazing race. in our small group (consisting of Riann, Henk, Suiyen, Isa and myself) we had to milk a cow, take a photo in undersized wetsuites, hitch hike, raise R100 each, sit on a cannon, donate blood, sing in front of the new soccer stadium in PE; try on a fireman's uniform; chase, catch and carry around a live chicken (Leo), ride horses...
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The start of an amazing journey

I thought that  this year's journey would start when we flew to India at the end of Feb, but God had other plans. From the time I left home on monday the 11th of Jan He has been growing and stretching and teaching me. The people are not nearly as scary as I first thought they were! When we got to share our stories with each other in a group this weekend God showed me that no matter how different we are (and we are VERY different) we are all in the same place in Christ, and we are all...
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