The big blue and white tent went up and came down, we moved camp and now when passing Jeffrey street in J Bay all you would hear is praise and worship!! Global challenge 2009 has arrived and we are in full swing laying the ground work at base camp for us and future challengers to prepare for a life like no other!
We have been doing theophostics for a week about personal restoration, we have been working extremely hard at the Ithemba primary school to upgrade it to such a level fit for children to attend school!
We have been studying the book of Luke and PLEASE join us as we work our way through the life and teachings of Jesus. The last couple of days we have been blessed by teachings from Floyd McClung (entertaining manner) and Retief Burger in worship and wisdom.
Floyd focussed on our stories, how to witness to unbelievers creatively using terms such as the most beautiful love story and my creator and so on. He also challenged us to know God's story and how our story must link up in there!
Retief challenged us to alter our thinking, being encouragement focussed, loving God.
Personally, i am experiencing a bit of a tough time seemingly with much more questions than answers, i trust God to take me back to the basic of loving Him and in that truth will be revealed and a life restored to what God intended Dauw to be.
So please pray with me for that and as always firstly thanking God for His provision and secondly asking and trusting Him to keep providing spiritually, emotionally, financially and physically!
I challenge you with this, what is the truth of your in most heart?
ps. we are leaving for Transkei on monday so please pray for our trip.
Peace to your house