It is coming towards 21 months after i did my year of global challenge with the northbound true north team! No words or blog could ever describe the amazing time it was, the challenges of ordinary day life to the witnessing and testifying of miracles experienced and seen. It is more than fair and it will be easy to continue applauding that which is global challenge.
There are some things you are not told once back in South Africa and JBay. In reality this is no one's fault for no matter what kind of debrief or re - entry program you do will prepare you for what is about to happen to you over the next 6 months or so.
This is what happened to me, this is my story...
Our last country back in 2009 was India and i spent it with a couple of team members in Dwarka serving and ministering there and occasionally the question would start to surface what about next year. I felt i had to come back to Pretoria for a specific two years period to re - establish family relationships and just trust God daily as well as for the road forward. I made a commitment to come back and when Anne told me to stay in JBay i declined because of it.
Pretoria for the first couple of months was easy, full of joy and life, everyday was awesome. My first warning sign that something was wrong was when i just could not find a cell or bible study group to join. The experience of global left me frustrated at groups i tried discussing a book or becoming part of a holy huddle keeping nice couches warm. Oh, and those promisesof team members to keep contact is mostly a nice idea. Please don't misunderstand me, being part of a cell group or bible study is vital!
My second warning came when i realized adults and friends did not know what to do with me and seemed unwilling or shy to speak about their faith and life in Christ on a daily basis, it is after all a sunday subject.
Then came the crack and emotionally i broke down completely, within the first 12 months after global, because i was only able to share my life with the kids at school and felt left in a void by my friends and family (GC included). I fell very hard and started to accept the system of Pretoria east back in my life. Not a deliberate choice it just kind of creeps up on you. The system is the way things are done and if you show any sign of difference it is frowned upon and crushed.
For you on GC 2011 this might sound ludicrous but hear my plea global stirs your heart and you begin to work through personal issues and it changes the way you think on every level! Once you then move out of JBay and the GC family a different reality hits you and those things that have not completely been sorted out or handled becomes tools for the enemy to attack you with and he does.
Lies, loneliness, sin and depression is not uncommon to find in my life these days, yes i handle it differently by the grace of God but i do struggle.
My recommendation to the class of 2011 is simple, establish the things God has worked on in your personal life, how you may ask...
God bless
God will establish the things He would like to change in your personal Him alone for the rest of your life, in all situations and not only by doing 'another year'!
Shoe, D true, personal and powerfull. Danq my maat dat jy so eerlik uit jou lewe deel. Voorspoed met jou toekoms planne en ek weet di Here het n special doel met jou lewe.