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Off to Fiji. . .

Good day, friends and family from a cold land down under.
The last 7 weeks, Work Your Way 2015 spent working on sheep farms doing lamb marking. Global Challenge expeditions has been working with Noble Management Australia for the last 5 years. Each year, the Work Your Way group spent about 2 months with the Willersdorf family.  This year, we lived with them for about 6 weeks, travelling around New South Wales and Victoria.  
Working with the Willersdorfs was a great experience.  They are dedicated in what they do, working sheep with a lot of energy, passion and integrity. I personally learned a lot about team-work and working with great integrity.  In all things they give praise to God, and no situation is worth complaining about.
The physical work was sometimes challenging and we learned to push through some physical and mental barriers. On two of the days we worked more than 3000 lambs.
We were really so blessed in this time. The Willersdorfs and the Christian community of the area really treated us to some fun activities like ice skating, paintball and we had an traditional South African braai/barbecue with some South Africans living in Australia. The South Africans has started their own house church and it was really encouraging to see what the Lord is doing in their lives.
God also opened doors for future ministry involvement and we made a lot of new friends in the process. Some of the best friends we made is the Wong Family as from the beginning, they generously opened their home to us.  We spent many nights sleeping in the comfort of their home. Eunice, Ester and Caleb plays in the Australian Youth Orchestra. We were so privileged to go to Sydney Opera House and watch them perform. Our time with the Wongs was so blessed and we really learned a lot from them. They are such an example of how a Christian family should work together. 
We are currently enjoying a bit of a holiday with some friends and family from South Africa. We have been so blessed by their visit this last couple of days and had a lot of fun in the Sydney/Blue Mountains area.
On Sunday the 2nd of August we will be leaving for Fiji for a month. Afterwards, we will return to Australia for 10 days serving at Capernwray Bible School, about  2 hours from Sydney.
Thank you so much for everyone's support, encouragement and prayer. It really means so much to me. It is difficult to explain what the Lord is doing in our lives as our experiences have been intense and frequent. These expeditions are not possible without our friends and family's support back home.
Henri Knobel
Work Your Way 2015
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