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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Sho sho... India.

Our arrival into India was ubrupt and crazy, chaos was an understatement. Animals, tuk-tuks, trucks, cars and crowds scattered everywhere. New Delhi is a bee hive of hasslers, vehicles and markets - all trying to promote the best price. Just as ubrupt was the 'Dehli belly' many of the guys suffered from during this time. We arrived in New Delhi on a Monday, from Bangkok, after a lay over in Sri Lanka. As expectations go, Slumdog Millionaire was on my mind, there is a reality of slums yes but there is such a diversity in India itself. Every state has...
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Going out into the world to give are we?

What an adventure! All Glory to God. We trusted Him and we where blown completely away by his goodness with this Luke 10 Faith Journey for 10 days. The thought came to me to lay everything bare, to pour out my heart to the Lord in worship and prays until we had an answer.    I suddenly had a desire to delve into the Word, a couple of days passed waiting apon the Lord at Changi Airport in Singapore. I didn't know if God was speaking or not during this time, i  looked for scripture to confirm where to go...
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Masaai land adventure

  Take a deep breath of Kenya, and your senses highten. The people are a integrated part of this land, constantly busy day and night. The arrival in Maasailand was truly breathtaking... In isolation we where able to appreciate the full measure of the creation. Even with the wildest expectation of what the Maasai would be like, we were still amazed. We arrived at night after induring the taxi for 160km from Narok at a village with the name of Olkoroi between the Maasai Mara and Kilimanjaro. The near death experience of getting to Maasailand was an expedition on its...
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