Welcome to the lime teams journey to Egypt. What an interesting and different culture we experienced here. Our first couple of days was really cold and we thought that Egypt will be extremely hot. We fist visited the beautiful place called Anafora. This whole place was build around symbolic bible themes and how exciting and interesting everything was. From the waters and the buildings they all had certain meanings. It was a wonderful place just to spend in God's presence and see the beauty of the desert.
These photo's show some of the beautiful places we found in this special place.
Our journey continued and we went to Cairo. It was really different from the quietness of Anaforna because Cairo was a busy place. The people keep their shops open till 2 o'clock at night and the street are full of people at night. There we spend some time truly intertwined with the Egyptian culture and had some time for site seeing. This included the pyramids, Nile and museum. Some of us took a night cruise on the Nile.
The Nile at sunset
As our last days in Cairo came to a close we traveled to the most miraculous place in Cairo. We visited the cave churches. There we heard the stories from years before how God made the mountain move from one place to another. The Christians there are so welcoming and we looked in awe at all the beautiful carvings in the rock.
Entrance of the cave Churches
This fish was outside the cave churches and we as our team took a photo there to symbolize that we gave our lives to Christ to be fishers of men.
We are posing at one of the of the paintings explaining the story at the cave churches
We are currently in Dahub were we have some time to snorkel in the Red Sea and spend time in God's beautiful creation under the sea
Our journey has taken us too many beautiful places here in Egypt and as we listen to the singing and chanting of the people at their prayer times to Alla we realize that this world is void of the true realization about the true living God. We pray and hope that God will give us the opportunities to show His love to those around us and that we could introduce them to the true and powerful, Almighty God. Pray for the teams and the journey's we are going on and let God show us His heart for these people. WE are all excited for the day when we can all stand in front of our Lord and Savior and see our friends we meet on our journeys alongside us knowing that they also found their way to the TRUE GOD. I leave you with this one thought and a picture that was in craved inside one of the churches at the caves.
May your day be blessed with blessings from Heaven and may God keep you till we meat again on the blogs and follow the rest of our journey.
Be blessed
The Lime Team