"Sanctıfy yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you." (Joshua.3:5)
While we were still in Israel the North Bound girls prayed together to ask God His will for our last days in Israel. Most of us felt that we wanted to spend some time alone with God seperated from the noise of the outside world. We talked about ideas of just entering the desert and spending time with God there but God had other plans. We were so blessed by going back to Anafora to spend some quite time there with God just to sit at His feet and recharge in some ways.
Our journey took an unexpected turn when the boys were also able to come with us and we went with the visıon to seek God. During our first couple of days God started a process with us of repentance. We felt that we had to come anew and surrender ourselves to the Livıng and Allmighty God. The process God wanted was the one Joshua went through with the Israelites before they could cross the Jordan. God showed us that to enter into His promises He had for us, we had to sanctify ourselves and in that, He would come and restore things needed for the future journey. This verse becomes really true in situations like this "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sıns may be blotted out, so that tımes of refreshıng may come from the presence of the Lord." (Act. 3:19)
We were so blessed with His presence the one night when we all just came with expecting hearts for God to touch us. During this time we were reminded of the scriptures where the disciples were waiting for the promise of the Holy Spirit that will come. It says that they all were in one place and with one accord - meaning one in spirit and seeking the same thing. We all eagerly longed for a touch from God and wanted Him to enter our midst. God came and truly ministered to each and every one of us. I believe that God restored some things in a lot of people's lives even when it's not clearly visible at this point in time. I truly believe that the time we had at Anafora was a foundation for what was to come.
Our journey to Turkey was filled with excitment of what God had in store. Read futher and see what God is doing in our lives
God bless you and keep you
The Lime Team