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Night Turns to Dawn, as it Breaks

I dont write poetry, but when i do... not the best at writing. Moments of inspiration dont come  alot so bare with me. All of this aside this is a piece of heart i wish to share. Wrote this on the way Fiji. Here we go...
Night turns and tosses
as a restless sea in pursuit nowhere
Deep blue too deep black, 
into the unknown He plunges to fill up the void of light.
Night just couldn't decide wether to seize the Day or see what Day may hold. 
Something about him so luring and joyful, 
O how a desire to be light would unfold a longing.
The warmth it brought and the pure hearts under its Son, 
Night desired Days essence. 
Nevertheless Night can never seem to get to Day,
nether is it far away.
He stays waiting for what seems like a lifetime for his dawn to become a new day.
He knows somewhere dawn breaks, and their Day spends his days...
But look:
The Sun, the horizon bursts, 
the dawn breaks the dusk is vivid as refreshing as the days of old.
It brings light to all!
Night looks back as the Sun Calls and encompasses everything in reach with scattering spectrums of vibrance! 
Night Feels his heart heat up, one he never knew he had.
The warmth on his cheeks he decides he would never turn back.
To his front there he is again, enthralled by Him he never realized. 
The Sun had always been there, 
all he has to do is Believe. 
How is this night worth living through without purpose, 
He wondered if he is here just by chance?
To make himself happy he thinks may be a purpose, 
but even this is a superficial and temporary glance. 
The son is waiting on you to shed an eternal joy into motion. 
He made you with destiny in the cracking palms of His hand! 
Nothing is required except to believe so that soon enough your dawn is unbreakable!
He drowns our fears and dark times in perfect love.
It is garenteed that you will see that bright smile again and again, 
Then become empowered, 
Then become The Unshakable! 
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