(Picture of the Sun setting over Mount Sinai- It was VERRRY COLD!)
In the last three months God has taken me on an increadible journey: Starting in Egypt, and then from mount Sinai to Jerusalem! This is not only a physical journey but this is also where the Lord is taking me emotionally and spiritually.
" What Joy for whose strength comes from the Lord, who have set their hearts on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem" Psalm 84:5
Once a year God's people would travel to Jerusalem- WHY- because that's where the temple\the presence of God was. In God's presence there is fulness of Joy. I have by no means arrived- but I'm on a pilgrimage- Lover of my soul-Jesus, is constantly drawing me closer to himself no matter where I am.
You will find him when you seek him with all your heart- Lord please help me to truely seek you with all my heart.
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