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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Glorious Penang

The more I think about Malaysia, the more I realize what a wonderful country it actually is!
Many a Global team has left their footprints on the culture-rich soil of Malaysia, but for some reason there is little mention about their times here.  Furthermore, I realized that there is still a bit of a lack in solid contacts anywhere in the country.

So, Malaysia isn’t really on any list when it comes to island-nations and we didn’t really intend on spending time here except for our transits through the airport onboard all the cheap Air Asia flights.  In a sense, Kuala Lumpur airport became a second home to our team, without us ever really wandering into the city and beyond.

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The recipe of the things of His heart..

The recipe of the things of His heart..
Taking a peek back on the journey, I realize how you really only see the bigger picture of God's master plan, once you turn around and look at the memory. It feels like it had been a year since we left Fusagasuga, but that's probably just because we have been in 5 different countries in the last 4 weeks, with a program jam-packed with ministry and spiritual growth. Having our first little period of rest while waiting on the Lord, I have been trembling the white beaches of  the Barbadian bliss, looking back on the journey, recapping and rewinding. In...
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Sunrise. I have always thought about sunrises and sunsets as God's own special living painting for us to show us just a small piece of His greatness and His glory. On this specific day I got up very early and was excited to watch yet another breaking of the day as the darkness will be chased away by the red, orange and yellow colors playing on the horizon. Staring out over the ocean it slowly became lighter and lighter but as it got lighter my disappointment grew more and more -the dark clouds were blocking the rays of the sun. Feeling cheated and grumbling about getting up very early just to stare at dark clouds I asked God were His beautiful sunrise is. The answer? "It is still there, you just have to look at it from above the clouds."

Knowing that the sun will rise again tomorrow I left to go and face the day, not yet knowing that through this sunrise God was preparing me for this specific day and teaching me a lesson that I would carry with me the rest of my life…


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The End

By: Marlene Putter


The end of the circle is usually also the beginning of the next one... depending on how you decide to view it.

The Bible can be a book or it can be God's living words... depending on how you  decide to view it.

A path leading up to a river can mean a dead end or the possibility of a future bridge... depending on how you decide to view it.

Death can mean the end of life or the beginning of eternity... depending on how you decide to view it.


God challenged me on the way I view things....


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Palmtrees and Poverty, Waves and Washing lines

Palmtrees and Poverty, Waves and Washing lines

Picture yourself under a palm tree with the breeze in your hair looking out into the crystal clear blue green ocean with the waves breaking on the white sand.

Sounds like paradise right? Wrong.

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