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I think I love God so much it hurts.

Firstly. I've fallen in "love" a million times. So badly I would believe that I won't be able to ever live again if the relationship didn't work out. Turns out I could. Point is. I'm a sucker for love. Or so I thought! Man.. What is love anyway? I've "given up on it" so many times you'd think I'd at least know what "it" is. Well I didn't. I actually still don't. But God is teaching me what it is. Bit by bit. See I thought love was some warm fuzzy feeling when you hold someone's hand.. Or stare into...
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pink, my favourite colour?the story continues...


More recently i am convinced that the greatest battle you will ever fight is for your FIRST LOVE! The greatest call you will ever answer is the call to RETURN to your creator! The greatest purpose of your existence is for intimacy. You have been saved for GOD! "And this is eternal life, that they know You, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." [john 17:3]. What an Awe inspiring God we serve, the King of the universe loves and pursues a creation that's predisposition is to betray and reject HIM! But before you begin to think that this is another one of those pieces that will make you feel guilty about being a human listen to this Story ...

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Blessed Beyond Belief in Barbados

Blessed Beyond Belief in Barbados

God's heart is for every person on earth to have an intimate relationship with Him

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Awestruck by a Holy Creator God   There has always been something about the Amazon that enthralled me. As a child I dreamed of going there but that was all it was, a very far-fetched dream... So imagine my excitement when I learned that our journey will take us right to the famous river and forest. In the airplane on the way to Manaus I was already blown away by the sheer magnitude of the river from above, just to realize that it is only an artery of the big river! To add to the excitement the plane literally landed...
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The recipe of the things of His heart..

The recipe of the things of His heart..
Taking a peek back on the journey, I realize how you really only see the bigger picture of God's master plan, once you turn around and look at the memory. It feels like it had been a year since we left Fusagasuga, but that's probably just because we have been in 5 different countries in the last 4 weeks, with a program jam-packed with ministry and spiritual growth. Having our first little period of rest while waiting on the Lord, I have been trembling the white beaches of  the Barbadian bliss, looking back on the journey, recapping and rewinding. In...
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Turkey in Retrospect

Turkey in Retrospect
We departed from Turkey almost two months ago already, but it was such an overwhelming experience to be a pilgrim in the country where a big part of the new testament plays off that I struggled to put it into words. Here is my attempt at celebrating the highlights! We arrived in Istanbul, a cosmopolitan city located halfway in Asia and halfway in Europe with a strong Middle Eastern influence. The streets smell of incense and turkish delight and various kinds of fruit teas can be found in every sidewalk cafe and street market. Here I found that Psalm 16:5...
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Distant Worlds gets detoured!

Distant Worlds gets detoured!

Our bodies have been described as temples of the Holy Spirit and as clay in the hands of the Potter. It is an awe-inspiring, intricate tool for the Kingdom, made according to a blueprint designed by an Almighty God. 

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Beauty for ashes

Beauty for ashes
You never know what you can live without until you have to carry everything in one bag on your back -JS This week has been the craziest and probably most frustrating time of my entire life, we didn't get our Macedonia visas and had to come to Israel earlier. I have never felt the need to make notes of what happens to me until I experienced this week and knew I had to tell you guys all about it. I am currently sitting in my tent and decided I HAVE to write. Everything I am using now fits into my...
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6 Days In A Hammock

6 Days In A Hammock
(This is still a blog from the Amazon from March) A blog of pictures from our week on the Amazon River After seven amazing days and incredible times soaking in the Word, we are ready for Colombia!
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A glimpse into your eyes

Today I am halfway through the journey of a lifetime, an adventure with You, Lord, Creator, Lover, Father, Friend.   I remember how You captivated my heart by calling me to an adventure. You invited me "come with Me" and promised that it will be wild, great and full of You. Thinking back on the past four months it was already all of that and more...   Reality struck me for a moment, as I perceived the beauty around me, the palm trees, the Caribbean ocean, the small islands so close that I can see the white beaches and hear...
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