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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Viva Cuba

Viva Cuba
Our time in Cuba was almost like a time warp going back to the early 1950’s, vintage cars, horse carriages, music on every comer, no internet and street vendors everywhere. What an experience and privilege to have had a month in Cuba. We faced the language barrier with body gestures and our Spanish booklets. Embraced every moment and laughed a lot with those first country giggles when you still in shock that you’ve left South Africa. In Cuba we slept our first night on the airport in true global challenge style and then slept a night in Havana. The following...
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Thailand in 10 pictures!

Thailand in 10 pictures!
                                           Philippians 3:8-11 8  Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in Him , not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; 10 that I may...
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Blessed Beyond Belief in Barbados

Blessed Beyond Belief in Barbados

God's heart is for every person on earth to have an intimate relationship with Him

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This was what it was like to be Jesus

This was what it was like to be Jesus

Turning water into wine. Telling fishermen to be his followers. Followed around by spiritually-hungry people, searching for truth. Feeding five thousand people with a little boy's lunch. Setting people free from law and leading them into grace. Yes, that's my Jesus. This same Jesus allowed Distant Worlds to get a taste of what that felt like during our week in the Andes mountains.

It was a dream come true. Rattling, shaking and bumping up zigzag mountain passes to the village of Incahuasi. This was where we would sleep for five nights. We drove for four hours on 100km on a single-lane, dusty, serpentine path. In the Andes Mountains. I almost couldn't believe it.

The mountains were colossal, stretching 3130m into the heavens. My eyes were as wide as saucers as we drove past mountain villages, with hand-sown rice fields and horse-drawn carts. The women wore the most beautiful, colourful, handmade clothes. Not much has changed in these villages from 100 years ago.

We shared bibles with many far-away schools in isolated towns. The average amount of students were 40 in the whole school. It was interesting to note that most of these people had never even left their mountain town. They didn't know about things such as beaches, skyscrapers of drive-thru McDonalds. They knew more about mountain trails than LonelyPlanet and their diet consisted of things they had planted and cultivated themselves. A whole new world. "Lord, what do I say to these children? We come from two different worlds. We don't even speak the same language - they speak Quechua and I only speak primitive Spanish. Holy Spirit, speak through me please..."

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The recipe of the things of His heart..

The recipe of the things of His heart..
Taking a peek back on the journey, I realize how you really only see the bigger picture of God's master plan, once you turn around and look at the memory. It feels like it had been a year since we left Fusagasuga, but that's probably just because we have been in 5 different countries in the last 4 weeks, with a program jam-packed with ministry and spiritual growth. Having our first little period of rest while waiting on the Lord, I have been trembling the white beaches of  the Barbadian bliss, looking back on the journey, recapping and rewinding. In...
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I think i'm only coming to the realisation of what God has called me to as His child now. Saying that - it is still a journey. What it means to say "yes" and what He means when He tells me to go. We spent most of our lives without knowing the full truth about who we are without Jesus, how rotten and evil our true nature really is and also without the full truth about what Jesus really did and what He enables us to do when He calls us. I am finding myself at a place where God...
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6 Days In A Hammock

6 Days In A Hammock
(This is still a blog from the Amazon from March) A blog of pictures from our week on the Amazon River After seven amazing days and incredible times soaking in the Word, we are ready for Colombia!
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A glimpse into your eyes

Today I am halfway through the journey of a lifetime, an adventure with You, Lord, Creator, Lover, Father, Friend.   I remember how You captivated my heart by calling me to an adventure. You invited me "come with Me" and promised that it will be wild, great and full of You. Thinking back on the past four months it was already all of that and more...   Reality struck me for a moment, as I perceived the beauty around me, the palm trees, the Caribbean ocean, the small islands so close that I can see the white beaches and hear...
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