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When a matchbox changed a boy's life

When a matchbox changed a boy's life
I guess when God gives you a vision for something.. It’s because HE wants to do something... Even though it sound absurd, obeying might just blow your mind.. So middle 2012 I had to raise money for my journey in 2013 from SCRATCH.. God gave me an idea to make about 1000 matchboxes with my details and the following slogan.. “Take a matchbox and help me lighten a dark world with God’s light..” I didn’t think that God was literal about it.. So I handed out these boxes, spreading it all around and trusting that God would open people’s  hearts...
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The recipe of the things of His heart..

The recipe of the things of His heart..
Taking a peek back on the journey, I realize how you really only see the bigger picture of God's master plan, once you turn around and look at the memory. It feels like it had been a year since we left Fusagasuga, but that's probably just because we have been in 5 different countries in the last 4 weeks, with a program jam-packed with ministry and spiritual growth. Having our first little period of rest while waiting on the Lord, I have been trembling the white beaches of  the Barbadian bliss, looking back on the journey, recapping and rewinding. In...
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Jesus is ruining my life... (with my permission)

Jesus is ruining my life... (with my permission)
  God has been challenging me the last couple of days to share a bit of my personal journey... this is me being obedient.   The reason I came on this journey, was because 4 years ago the Lord called me specifically for Global Challenge Expeditions in the year I finish school. To be honest, I had no idea what the journey was about, only that  that I had an urgent desire to go. The one motive that drove me, though was to serve and to give A YEAR of my life completely to Jesus' use.    Little...
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Found my peace in the eyes of my Creator

Found my peace in the eyes of my Creator
Facing the last day of an unforgettable journey in Guatemala... A book can be written about God-appointments, memories, divine relationships and everlasting friendships inspired by the centre of God's heart..   Four years ago, I heard the testimony of a man in Guatemala who not only sold his soul to Satan, but who hated God in such an extent that His salvation prayer ended up to be a proclamation of cursing God, laughing at Him and trying to destroy the very person that God breathed his father breath into. He got showered with God's love and delivered by His mercy. ...
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Purple team challenge PANAJACHEL

Purple team challenge PANAJACHEL
  "Wake up from your slumber, baby open up your eyes! " challenge time So rise and shine prayer time before a hard days work... Or do we get suprised with that little white paper listed with crazy ways to explore Panajachel and the Mayan ways? Tiptop... ready purple team? With +1 (new team member) and -1 knee the sports begin! So the journey started with a picture of our own home flag as well as playing around in Tuck-tuck street with camera actions. Treading the colorful streets of PANA we saught relationships with foreigners, met some awesome people and...
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Amazon adventures

Have you ever crashed in a jungle by plane ? Well... neither have I. But I think the adrenaline levels I have experienced, landing in Manaus are pretty much the same as before the actual crash... Imagine a river so wide that out of the airplane you would mistake it with the ocean. And along the riverbed, an unending garden with all the shades of green you can think of. Beautiful from up there, but landing on what looks like to be on a bed of trees ( Because you see only jungle and no runway ), is quite frightening! ...
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Summary of a jammin journey with Jesus around the world

Wow... this was deffinetly THE MOST AMAZING year by far!! It started off with an hour show of fireworks, celebration for what was to come, but for me also a farewell of a part of my life that was difficult to let go. I didn't think that it would be forever and it was also not just a part if I look back now. I went on a journey of life time thinking that I was going to change people's lives, do something for God... change the world... I counted up the cost and He was worth leaving everything behind...
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A glimpse into your eyes

Today I am halfway through the journey of a lifetime, an adventure with You, Lord, Creator, Lover, Father, Friend.   I remember how You captivated my heart by calling me to an adventure. You invited me "come with Me" and promised that it will be wild, great and full of You. Thinking back on the past four months it was already all of that and more...   Reality struck me for a moment, as I perceived the beauty around me, the palm trees, the Caribbean ocean, the small islands so close that I can see the white beaches and hear...
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God in Guatemala (video blog)

God in Guatemala (video blog)
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My God's story

  Well, in the beginning...       NAAAHH, I'm just kidding!  I am totally inadequate to rewrite the Bible!   For now I just want to share an amazing revelation  that God has been stirring in my heart these past 2 weeks of training.   Well, apart from the three day-three night survivor adventure where we experienced God's provision and protection over us, I learned a lot about the character of our Father in crazy dimensions.       The 1 thing that touched me the most is the fact that we intend to be the writers of our...
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