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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Looking back on 7 weeks!!

Looking back on 7 weeks!!
  This blog will be my attempt to explain what happen the last 7 weeks of training, seeing as I don't journal I'll try my best... Training: January 11 - 28 February Welcoming Our first weekend it felt like meeting family for the first time, everyone was super exited and full of expectations!!  We were welcomed as if we landed at an airport and had to book in our luggage and have our passports ready. I soon after got to meet everyone that is doing the Work Your Way journey, Geoff - our group leader, Quinton, Vilandré, Roan - but...
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Simply come...

Simply come...
Over a month into this adventure and the time has come for me to play blog catch up! It seems that 12 years of perfecting my procrastination skills isn't a skill easily dropped. Welcome to Global Challenge!  A crazy buch of young people headed to the nations ready of anything strengthed and effective for only one reason God and God alone. ' 'It is no longer i who lives but christ who lives in me'' Gal 2vs20  Trying to sum up the last weeks is a futile attempt as so much has happened that my words have already began to fail me. Not just the events...
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Today We Serve Nations!

Today We Serve Nations!
NEPAL, Katmandu, this is the ground on which we start our journey and what a journey it is going too be!  First there are some things you should know about Nepal. There is the occasional power cut, pigeons flood the rails of rooftops,smog covers the foothills and hides the mountains from sight, the pollution a causes some locals to wear masks and prayer points and stone idols are spread  amist the dirty, the strike is over and the streets come alive with cars , motorbikes, bicycles and people. Oh the people the wonderful, beautiful people of Nepal. I think I...
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Found in Christ!

Found in Christ!
Who am i? One of the many questions that haunt the youth of this age,but this is the wrong question.The real question is who am i in Christ,for in him is where my true identity is found... I am who i am because of who God is and  because of how much He loves me and how good He is. Because of what He did for me and because of what he did my idenity is secure...    I am a child of God, a princess of the most high, beloved daughter, forgiven one Redeemed by the blood of Christ,chosen,cleaned,apponited...
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