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Led to Lead

I'm leading a team this year!  In less than four years God has come and radically changed my life for the better. I believe that each and every single one of us are led to lead. In other words Christ leads us to lead others to him. What a privilege it is to be able to lead a team of intrepid missionaries this year! Our smaller team has been dubbed Hidden Places, this year there's also one team called Distant Nations and another called Work Your Way. Our team will go to more than 15 countries from South America to...
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Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life
    I always thought the words  and then  were a prelude to something wonderful. Like seeing a ship come in or finding a note in your letterbox, when you weren't expecting one. That swift, surprising transition from nothing to everything.  And then .   Two little words that hold a world of promise.  And then  the light pierced through the dark sky, and the rain stopped falling.    And then  I met you.    Uganda, experiencing you was like being ten hears old again, scaling a tree with my eyes bright and skyward, wanting to get higher and higher...
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I Left My Heart In Africa

I Left My Heart In Africa
I have learnt a lt this year. I learned that things don't always turn out the way you planned, or the way you think it should. And I've learned that there are things that go wrong that don't always get fixed or get put back together the way they were before. I've learned that you can get through bad times and keep looking for better ones. This year wasn't always pretty. It wasn't always comfortable. Some things and situations even break your heart. But that's okay. The journey changes you - it should change you. It leaves marks on your...
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pink, my favourite colour?the story continues...


More recently i am convinced that the greatest battle you will ever fight is for your FIRST LOVE! The greatest call you will ever answer is the call to RETURN to your creator! The greatest purpose of your existence is for intimacy. You have been saved for GOD! "And this is eternal life, that they know You, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." [john 17:3]. What an Awe inspiring God we serve, the King of the universe loves and pursues a creation that's predisposition is to betray and reject HIM! But before you begin to think that this is another one of those pieces that will make you feel guilty about being a human listen to this Story ...

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Brazil - God Doesn't Need Google Translate!

Everything that the Holy Spirit taught me just during our first week in São Paulo, Brazil, can be condensed into that one sentence: God doesn't need Google Translate. He really doesn't!


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Because WP won the Currie Cup…

Because WP won the Currie Cup…
Please spare me a brief moment to just testify how faithful and powerful our Provider is. Global Challenge has been a dream of mine since I've first heard about it in 2008. I was just fascinated by the idea of visiting a dozen or so countries, seeing new places, experiencing foreign cultures and making memories that would last a life time. Due to the incredible amount of money needed to go and the fact that I already took a gap-year after school, it only stayed a dream. Thinking back now, it was truly God's plan because I wasn't nearly ready...
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1566 Hits

Guard your heart

Guard your heart
  Why do we make life so complicated? Why do we so easily make mountains out of mere ant hills? It is not supposed to be this difficult and I dare say it is rather tiring to worry about everything all the time.    My stay in Egypt these past two weeks has been a time of growth and transformation. Firstly I would like to mention that all the pictures I have seen, all the history that I have read and heard throughout my years of study about this wonderful place, I could have never imagined it to be so...
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wow!! I'm so stoked these past 42 days have been something else. Learning more about myself, God, the people around me and how situations can effect you when you beyond tired. I've really been blessed to be here with all these amazing people. From surviving in the freezing cold nights at our makeshift campsite with a sheltt that didn't even work and our fire being to far away from everything, all the "dear diary" entries made it just all the more funny. My survivor team was the orange team and already in 5days we had made a bond that wasn't...
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Pokhara - The jewel in the Himalaya

Pokhara - The jewel in the Himalaya
While our first week in Nepal we focused on encouraging the churches, the second week we focused on adding to them. After a six hour bus ride to Pokhara we immediately started walking to unreached villages, sharing the truth with the people and handing out tracts written in Nepali. We had some great conversations and people were usually willing to listen to us. God really protected us there because after we got back Ben (The Nepali missionary we stayed with) told us that the people in those villages usually attack Christians and he had been too scared to go until now....
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Dear Diary

19:46,  24 April 2013   Today was our third day in Bogota, Colombia. As I'm sitting here, looking back at this day, Max is playing songs on her guitar...voicing all my heart is trying to say: . We went to a market in the center of the city, hopping on public busses and looking like real tourists, I enjoyed that a lot. Man, the market...even as I think back on that I can feel a little girl jumping up and down inside of me, soaking in all the colours. Oranges , purples , greens , blues , reds , pinks...
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1471 Hits

Restoration of the Heart

Restoration of the Heart

We truly serve an awesome God :)

Training has been simply amazing so far - getting to know the Distant Worlds team has been interesting, while developing my relationship with Christ has been nothing but fulfilling. 
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1231 Hits

Today We Serve Nations!

Today We Serve Nations!
NEPAL, Katmandu, this is the ground on which we start our journey and what a journey it is going too be!  First there are some things you should know about Nepal. There is the occasional power cut, pigeons flood the rails of rooftops,smog covers the foothills and hides the mountains from sight, the pollution a causes some locals to wear masks and prayer points and stone idols are spread  amist the dirty, the strike is over and the streets come alive with cars , motorbikes, bicycles and people. Oh the people the wonderful, beautiful people of Nepal. I think I...
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1187 Hits

Amazon adventures

Have you ever crashed in a jungle by plane ? Well... neither have I. But I think the adrenaline levels I have experienced, landing in Manaus are pretty much the same as before the actual crash... Imagine a river so wide that out of the airplane you would mistake it with the ocean. And along the riverbed, an unending garden with all the shades of green you can think of. Beautiful from up there, but landing on what looks like to be on a bed of trees ( Because you see only jungle and no runway ), is quite frightening! ...
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1150 Hits

The sound of love announcing his forgiveness

Many of times we hear how much God loves us and wish nothing but the best for all his children; the ones that know his love and the ones that don’t know it as much. Looking back at my life, knowing all the wrong that I have done to others and myself, I’ve said and done things that I will always be ashamed of, the worst was not knowing if I am really forgiven. I’ve read the scripters and have said the words out loud, but still every detail of my past was not forgiven; well at least not all,...
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1046 Hits

Something delightful

Going to Turkey was different for many of us. Some enjoyed not knowing where to go, what to do or what God has planned for us there. We only knew that He wants us to serve but the question was who first. The first guess was the refugees. Makes sense…they need help… we are here to serve… so we aimed for them, but it was like shooting a moving target in the dark. We heard so many rumours about where they are or should be but arriving only to see a lack of people to serve… Praying to God for...
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1033 Hits

Exploring Panama

Exploring Panama
  For 12 days we stayed in a church in Gamboa, across the panama canal. One of our verses for the year is Isaiah 55:5 'Surely you will summon nations you know not, and nations you do not know will come running to you.' Everyday, huge ships travel through the Panama canal from the other side of the world and we got to watch them sail past. They didn't exactly come running but instead these nations came slowly sailing past us. It was Gods word spoken in the beginning and we got to see it being fulfilled and that's exactly...
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1023 Hits

Sho sho... India.

Our arrival into India was ubrupt and crazy, chaos was an understatement. Animals, tuk-tuks, trucks, cars and crowds scattered everywhere. New Delhi is a bee hive of hasslers, vehicles and markets - all trying to promote the best price. Just as ubrupt was the 'Dehli belly' many of the guys suffered from during this time. We arrived in New Delhi on a Monday, from Bangkok, after a lay over in Sri Lanka. As expectations go, Slumdog Millionaire was on my mind, there is a reality of slums yes but there is such a diversity in India itself. Every state has...
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Dusty blue sky

Ahh Middle East, what an awesome place! I'm so stoked that I had the privilege of serving the people of crossroads. I'm really liking the tea a lot it's like a mix between rooibos and normal tea, it's perfect! I thought that we would be doing intense physical labor, but actually we just helped out with whatever needed to be done! Us guys got to play soccer with the kids every Saturday but because their culture requires men to wear pants we had to play in our jeans, and that made things a bit heated, and these kids completely wrecked...
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899 Hits

Inexperienced fingers.

Don't play with it. It's fragile. If you bust a string none of us can play. It's just a guitar. I caught myself being so obsessed with something that can be so easily fixed if it were to break. Even replaced. I'm still new, I'm still learning. The only difference between me and my 5 year old niece is she isn't afraid to experiment. To listen to every string. To play. To just enjoy the sounds. I try to listen and mimic. She plays because she wants to hear the sounds she allows the instrument to make. Carefree her little...
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894 Hits

My first flight

  Checking in? It went a little off track than what we thought it would. There were a few technical difficulties and we were not quite booked for our flight to Doha. But we serve a God of miracles! We were exactly on time for our flight. I was dropped off by my father, brother in law and sister at the airport in Johannesburg. We shared a quick coffee and then the reality hit me. I'm leaving the country in 3 hours!!!!!!!!!! It was hard. Every breath hurt as I hugged them and watched them leave. What am I doing?...
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847 Hits

Middle East. The start?

My mind is blown. My foundations shaken. Suffering is still a thing? It's still happening? Why do we not know about this? Why did I not know about this? Do people actually know what is going on? Do people actually realize that there are PEOPLE in these circumstances. Living breathing people. What do you do in a situation like this? What can you do? Deliver a heater and a stove? A few mattresses, pillows, gas? Just enough food to get by for maybe a month? Show LOVE. We've been in the Middle East for three weeks now. Visiting families and...
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