The past 6 weeks have consisted of two countries multiple flights, taxis, busses, motorbikes, Trans Jogja journeys, Jeepney, ferry and multi-cab rides. Blessings in abundance, amazing people, challenging ministry, victory and freedom, struggles and breakthrough. It has been an intense growing and incredible time seeing God bless and provide in an over abundance in Indonesia too a crazy 118 hour travelling story involving a ferry ride and the story of the mirical snack packet too a challenging but incredible experience in the Philippines. Never doubt that God is a good Father. INDONESIA The place, Indonesia in a Muslim nation, with...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Over a month into this adventure and the time has come for me to play blog catch up! It seems that 12 years of perfecting my procrastination skills isn't a skill easily dropped. Welcome to Global Challenge! A crazy buch of young people headed to the nations ready of anything strengthed and effective for only one reason God and God alone. ' 'It is no longer i who lives but christ who lives in me'' Gal 2vs20 Trying to sum up the last weeks is a futile attempt as so much has happened that my words have already began to fail me. Not just the events...
NEPAL, Katmandu, this is the ground on which we start our journey and what a journey it is going too be! First there are some things you should know about Nepal. There is the occasional power cut, pigeons flood the rails of rooftops,smog covers the foothills and hides the mountains from sight, the pollution a causes some locals to wear masks and prayer points and stone idols are spread amist the dirty, the strike is over and the streets come alive with cars , motorbikes, bicycles and people. Oh the people the wonderful, beautiful people of Nepal. I think I...
Israel, Palistine and all things tense. I do not claim to be an expert an will not attempt to explaine the intigrate details and complexities of the political situation in the Middle East. However standing in the mist of these countries and crossing the wall that devides them, seeing both sides and and grasping a fresh the gravity of the situation is what is on my heart. There is a wall, it is deviding and it is opressing, two grous of people are hurting and what they need is JESUS. This is not about picking sides or having a right...
Who am i? One of the many questions that haunt the youth of this age,but this is the wrong question.The real question is who am i in Christ,for in him is where my true identity is found... I am who i am because of who God is and because of how much He loves me and how good He is. Because of what He did for me and because of what he did my idenity is secure... I am a child of God, a princess of the most high, beloved daughter, forgiven one Redeemed by the blood of Christ,chosen,cleaned,apponited...
A 13 hour wait in the Doha airport, Qatar while waiting for our connecting flight allows for a uniquely perfect environment for the creation of new and boardum deifying games, including sock sliding and stress ball soccer. Not to mention people gazing ,which is way more interesting here and lots of time to think... Aware that this is but the first of many airport visits I decided to be productive and blog. The phrases ' what on earth am I doing ' may have entered my mind as I stepped of the plane earlier today. Mabye it was the lack...
Not yet, with little over three months left it is not time to resign to the downhill or the final stretch. I am confident that there is still much too come and so much more to be done in my life, my teams’ and the lives of the people we will meet along the way... The process... God started me on a process this year, he has begun a working in my heart and life like never before, it started with the decision to lay my future at his feet and thus far has been far more incredible, challenging, amazing...
A Syrian Cry Hearts that are broken Hands that are weak. Strength quickly fading, Emotions running deep Cuts raw and bleeding. Families torn apart Minds trapped in captivity. Darkness fills weary eyes A country robbed. Stolen From beneath stumbeling feet. Children desiring laughter, Mothers desiring peace. Men given over to failure, Fathers admiting defeat. A voice echoes in the stillness A cry resounds in the deep Hands and feet are comming They are running fast and free. To shine light into darkness, Hope into defeat. To remove the truth hindering vail. Let love destroy strongholds And set captives...