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Holy Ground

Holy Ground
"What we do, does not define who we are. What defines us is how well we rise after falling." It has been a while since I've seen words come to life in such an inspiring way. Rwanda is a beautiful chapter in this journey. So beautiful that there aren't any words to truly express how much influence it has had in my own thoughts and especially my relationship with our beautiful Saviour. I look forward to more chapters with you in it. You have taught me so much. Not only about your people but also about myself. I loved spending...
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"You opened up my ribs and played your melody, when my brokenness was all I saw in front of me..."     So, I broke my arm. In Colombia. Playing soccer. Can someone say Waka Waka?   Since that first night in casualties I've been comforted by God's promise that it is part of His plan, that He wants to use my casualty for a greater Kingdom reality. Having never broken any bone in my body despite some perilous adventures and other silly games on roofs, you have to be convinced of God's hand when this happens on my journey of...
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pink, my favourite colour?the story continues...


More recently i am convinced that the greatest battle you will ever fight is for your FIRST LOVE! The greatest call you will ever answer is the call to RETURN to your creator! The greatest purpose of your existence is for intimacy. You have been saved for GOD! "And this is eternal life, that they know You, the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." [john 17:3]. What an Awe inspiring God we serve, the King of the universe loves and pursues a creation that's predisposition is to betray and reject HIM! But before you begin to think that this is another one of those pieces that will make you feel guilty about being a human listen to this Story ...

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Shika Yesu - "Hold on to Jesus"

Shika Yesu - "Hold on to Jesus"
    We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place. We stay there even though we go away, and there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there. Kenya is such a place. It is truly like Narnia.  There is something beautiful  about Kenya that is thousands of years old. Too old to be truly captured by poems and songs. Loved by everyone, loved so very deeply. Kenya is everything real in a world of make believe.    But even though I left some part of me behind, I also found...
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Because WP won the Currie Cup…

Because WP won the Currie Cup…
Please spare me a brief moment to just testify how faithful and powerful our Provider is. Global Challenge has been a dream of mine since I've first heard about it in 2008. I was just fascinated by the idea of visiting a dozen or so countries, seeing new places, experiencing foreign cultures and making memories that would last a life time. Due to the incredible amount of money needed to go and the fact that I already took a gap-year after school, it only stayed a dream. Thinking back now, it was truly God's plan because I wasn't nearly ready...
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Tata ma chance Tata ma millions

Tata ma chance Tata ma millions
A 24 year old girl has recently discovered after years of living in "poverty" that she won the lottery at the young age of 10.   She never checked her bank account to see how much she was actually entitled to. She was living like all the other people around her, according to the standards of her immediate reality. She did not realise that she was actually free from the rules she had made for herself. She was free from a life dictated by checklists that everyone around her was striving for. She had it all along but she just...
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Pokhara - The jewel in the Himalaya

Pokhara - The jewel in the Himalaya
While our first week in Nepal we focused on encouraging the churches, the second week we focused on adding to them. After a six hour bus ride to Pokhara we immediately started walking to unreached villages, sharing the truth with the people and handing out tracts written in Nepali. We had some great conversations and people were usually willing to listen to us. God really protected us there because after we got back Ben (The Nepali missionary we stayed with) told us that the people in those villages usually attack Christians and he had been too scared to go until now....
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Today We Serve Nations!

Today We Serve Nations!
NEPAL, Katmandu, this is the ground on which we start our journey and what a journey it is going too be!  First there are some things you should know about Nepal. There is the occasional power cut, pigeons flood the rails of rooftops,smog covers the foothills and hides the mountains from sight, the pollution a causes some locals to wear masks and prayer points and stone idols are spread  amist the dirty, the strike is over and the streets come alive with cars , motorbikes, bicycles and people. Oh the people the wonderful, beautiful people of Nepal. I think I...
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"Have you GOT IT?"

1”Sing a new song to the LORD! Let the whole earth sing to the LORD! 2Sing to the LORD; praise His name. Each day proclaim the Good News that He saves. 3Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does.” Ps 96: 1-3 (NLT) Since our Hidden World team left SA in March, I am constantly aware of how privileged I am to do what I do, have what I have and go where I go. To think, it is all by His boundless grace over my life. I did not earn it. I...
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The sound of love announcing his forgiveness

Many of times we hear how much God loves us and wish nothing but the best for all his children; the ones that know his love and the ones that don’t know it as much. Looking back at my life, knowing all the wrong that I have done to others and myself, I’ve said and done things that I will always be ashamed of, the worst was not knowing if I am really forgiven. I’ve read the scripters and have said the words out loud, but still every detail of my past was not forgiven; well at least not all,...
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