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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Getting to know God's heart in Zanzibar!

Getting to know God's heart in Zanzibar!
After two months of training and preparation the day finally arrived for the international leg of our Global Challenge journey to begin! It was with much excitement and expectation that our entire group of 36 students got on the midnight flight form Johannesburg to Dar Es Salam. On arrival we stepped out into the pressing humidity of an early morning in Tanzania. Everyone scurried about to pick up their bags and hurry off to catch the next mode of transport which would take us to our various destinations. When the commotion died down it became evident that my bag might...
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Times flies when your having Turkey

Wow... its how I can sum Turkey up... wow... Jesus you made Your pressence known, You came and show me what it is like to love your neighbour as yourself, you have blessed me in abundance. You have blown my mind and captivated my heart. 
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A beginning and an end. The obvious is that this was our first country and that this was the beginning of our journey. From the onset of our journey God has come and shown me the joy in serving other's, specifically those that serve Him where others dare not stay. The end is less obvious and, more... An end to self deception, an end to self pity and most importantly an end to past fixation. I  had been clutching like a corner stone. Wearing a grudge like a crown, unable to forgive. But not anymore! I can gladly say that...
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