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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

God is not to be bound by religion.

  I think it's important to remember that God didn't create religion. People did. It's funny, we run around placing little labels on all sorts of spiritual things and calling it OUR RELIGION. Isn't that just what we do with people as well? See we meet people. We kinda talk to them for a while, "get to know them" without getting to know them and then we slap a sticker all over what we "know" about them and we file them in a box with a lot of other stuff with the same stupid label. Our own little factory if...
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2006 Hits

The ultimate Trip Advisor

The ultimate Trip Advisor
A weekend away with Dad, the Ultimate Trip advisor A surprise weekend away with your dad, of course you are not going to pack a change of clothes, money or your cell phone! You just jump in the car and enjoy what he has planned right? We were sent out on a Luke 10 journey, just like when Jesus sent out 72 disciples to heal the sick, tell people that the kingdom of God is near while staying at a person of peace and accepting their hospitality. At first I was shocked that we were doing this but also excited...
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I'm still trying to figure out who this God of mine really is. Last night I found myself scolding God as if He were a little child. I felt like He wanted me to come on this journey. Knowing I don't have the funds. I felt like He must have known what He was doing but now it feels like He just doesn't care. After I spoke my mind for a good 30 min He simply asked me if I was done. A moment after someone walked in. Gave me all the answers I just asked God and walked out....
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A beginning and an end. The obvious is that this was our first country and that this was the beginning of our journey. From the onset of our journey God has come and shown me the joy in serving other's, specifically those that serve Him where others dare not stay. The end is less obvious and, more... An end to self deception, an end to self pity and most importantly an end to past fixation. I  had been clutching like a corner stone. Wearing a grudge like a crown, unable to forgive. But not anymore! I can gladly say that...
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