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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Always a student...

Wow time really has been a great time with priceless moments and special encounters with Jesus. Colombia, these hands belongs to you God. I've experienced the healing hand of God once more, where God taught me the very important lesson to let people help me and that stubborness is a barrier to healing. Amazon boat trip, discovery 101 What is love?? What does it look like?? How do i practically show love??  My security, where do I put my security?? Pink dolphins?? What??  These where the questions I had with stepping on the boat... It was quite a personal journey...
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Jesus my teacher

So Mexico was an absolute blast!! From eating taccos for breakfast, lunch and dinner to spending a day on the most beautiful beach. God came and showed me about healing and how He heals people in such powerful ways. Then luke 10 was on our to do list! What an amazing experience! God prepared the way for us and we served people and shared God's love. After that it was Guatemala for a few days and of course we stayed at the firehouse.. It brought back so may memories from home.Travel challenge 5 days 5 counties!! The piggy squat had...
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ThIs heat got some beat...

    So after cold and grey Russia we arrived in Cuba..stepping of the plane I was welcomed with the heat of the Caribbean and people talking, laughing and smiling. Driving out of the airport it felt like I went back in time. There is nothing modern in Cuba, everything is still the Same as in the 80's.  I was amazed to see how people just carried on living in that way. The music is everywhere and as you go you catch the one beat from the other one. There's people dancing in the streets in their houses in restaurants....
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Father knows best..

Sooo in training we learned about us being predestined. I had so many questions, how when, where, can it be??? Then Jesus just came and went : oh my child let me just show you...  You know God being a Father and having such a sense of humour...  He loves to surprise you and He surly loves it to make you stand in awe of what He is doing.  GOD    In so many ways He had shown me all the times I took steps and He directed them.    The journey that I am on at this moment with...
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Times flies when your having Turkey

Wow... its how I can sum Turkey up... wow... Jesus you made Your pressence known, You came and show me what it is like to love your neighbour as yourself, you have blessed me in abundance. You have blown my mind and captivated my heart. 
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Wait!!!! Who am I??

This is a done deal!! Jesus is in me and I am in Him. This is who I am!! I am everything God said me to be. I don't need to search for it, I don't need to do something to get it. He already gave it all to me with the cross. All I need to do is release it! Release God in me trough His Holy Spirit.   
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Its all about You Jesus!

I'm standing knee deep, but im out where i've never been before. If you would have asked me 2 months ago if im ready to go out to the nations and serve, i would have said yes!! If you ask me 1 month ago i would have said no!! if you would ask me now, my answer will be, I trust in God that i am ready for i cant do anything without Him. For it is not about me and what i am going to do but it is all about the Father and His Son. My purpose is...
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Where do I begin..

Well where do I begin... The past few weeks have been crazy fun, hard, good days and bad days... The first week we got the connect with everyone...2nd week going on a "camping trip" that ended up to be 5 days in the bush with only the clothes on our backs and playing games to win some food...3rd week we are joining the school camp and having some fun with the kids from there we are building the road for the GLA School..week 4 and we are leaving for the Transkei to serve the people and give LOVE to the...
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