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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

I used to FEAR.

I used to fear that lies I told would rise to the surface and make me fall. I used to fear that I would never be enough, not for anybody not for myself. I used to fear that what I did in the dark would come to the light.   That's who I used to be, that's what I used to do. But then I met Jesus, I stood face to face with the biggest truth of ever have to face. To be honest, I couldn't face it. I fell I fell face first to the ground. How do you...
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I glance around to locate the source       of the relentless voices overwhelming my thoughts. Incoherent noise that fill my ears, seem to be a natural expression of my fears, that no longer are contained by dreaming at night as the monsters of slumber now cloud my sight.   Overwhelmed by my senses I seek isolation for just a few moments of quick contemplation but there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide if the problem is not external but comes from inside.   With words at a loss I have nothing to say but continue in...
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