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Sjinese seun eet skelm

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Raindrops are falling on my head? Wait...Its snow!

img_5898.jpgAs we walked out of the hotel at about 6:30 we clearly realized that it was not only ice-cold but raining as well. But a little rain does not scare the Orange team. "Ons skrik vir niks!" So we decided to face the Giant!

Written by: Herman & Paul


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God took me away, and now He brought me back

 After an amazing truly wonderful year I am now home! Ready to rest in God! ALL the Praise and Thanks be to GOD for all the guidance, protection and provision through the year!!  I arrived back in South Africa about 2 weeks ago. After a surprise visit to my parents I then had to drive off to Jeffereys Bay where we spent our last two weeks together as a team. Spending time in Debrief and just working through all the great stories, trails and especially the many miracles God has done and is still doing. It was truly a blessed two...
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London and Egypt- Blessings

London and Egypt- Blessings
Greetings from Dahab, Egypt. It has really been a long while since I have written so I will try my best to fill in the gaps. After a wonderful week in Mexico City the rest of the team arrived and we could finally all travel to the airport and fly off to London. With great excitement we waited for our flight call, but it just kept on getting later and later. At first we thought it is just "Mexico Time" but soon realized that something was wrong. Our flight was canceled and would only leave the next day! But God...
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News from India and New Zealand

News from India and New Zealand
New Zealand is really great, in the physical I mean. We spent our first week in the Algies Bay Cottages, right next to the ocean. God just came and blessed us with a place where we only had to pay for the first night, with the rest of the week for free. God is so great! Our first week in India was spent in the wonderful Himalayan Mountains where we did a Veritas Bible Study module. But our whole team really needed this rest as after the Mountains we traveled to the Emmanuel Missions orphanage in Kota where we spent...
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Chinese Shopping

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Just Be

img_5696.jpgSpending hours, days and even weeks in small dusty towns in China. Walking past thousands of lost souls, hundreds of struggling beggars, all Dieing! Looking into their eyes and the tears start to flow. I have no way to communicate, no way to bring them the Truth. Bring them Life!
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God creates, delivers and heals

God creates, delivers and heals
It has now been more than three weeks in Guatemala and what a wonderful time it has been. Arriving in Guatemala we traveled to Panajachel where we would spend all our time in Guatemala. This is a small tourist type town right next to the huge Atitlan Lake, surrounded by volcanoes and mountains. With friendly Maya/Spanish people, great food and just a really relaxed island kind of feeling in the air! God also blessed us with a great Hotel/House where the whole team stays. This is really great as this is our first time since Zambia that the whole team...
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Expedition 101

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FCE Training in Zambia

Look where we are sleeping!


Rain, rain rain every day! At least the bugs don’t come out that much.

Our time here is great, the food is great and our sleeping conditions are even better with hot showers every day. I have to admit some of the traditional food is a bit hard to swallow...

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