We experienced a lot in these last few days. We slept like
logs in the evenings, because we had a “strenuous” schedule. We had to do a lot
of awesome activities as part of our challenge.
We heard the morning at FRIM – Forest Research Institute
of Malaysia, that we have another challenge looming overhead. We were all very
excited, because no one of us was ever in Malaysia or in Kuala Lumpur!!! What a
We started there and planned most of what we wanted to do the first few minutes. Then we started walking towards the gates. As always Herman found wireless, so we could use the internet very fast and find out all the hotels and hostel prices. We ordered a taxi, and stuffed all of our bags into one taxi!! Although it is illegal in Malaysia, we had no other choice, because we couldn’t afford two taxis together. We had a tight budget and we knew we wanted to stay in it. So, with all of our bags in the taxi, we set of to PUDU hostel! We arrived there and found that it was the most central hostel with air conditioning!! That was what we searched for the whole day!!! JAY!!
Just for background information, Malaysia is +- 38 degrees Celsius in the days and 30 degrees C in the nights. So in the challenge we had to do the following:
1. Find a hostel for 3 nights.
2. Go to the KL twin towers and go up to the sky bridge!!! That was awesome!! We enjoyed the view a lot!
3. Go to the gardens and monuments, and take photos.
4. Museum – there we had to find 3 instruments, but that
department was closed down for renovations. So we asked them for the items, and
after a few minutes and a lot of persuasion they brought the items out of
storage just for us!!!! WOW!
5. Chinatown – there we had to eat something … we just came from China, and now we must eat Chinese again. J
6. Sunset photos at the KL twin towers. Petrona towers as it is called.
7. Batik – that was fun. We had to make our own batik that is paint your own design onto material.
8. Church on Sunday was the best part of the challenge. There we
met the coolest people. They introduced us to the people and they just want to
help us. They wanted to take us out to dinner and we had to turn them down. We
had to next challenge coming up. Then they gave us a donation, about RM300,
that is more than R1000!! So God really blessed us a lot there!!! We met a lot
of new people and we have a few new friends!! Paul really liked the band, and
the members, because they also have a passion for God and music
as well.
New challenge in the challenge
1. KL twin towers and other buildings
2. Time square – roller coaster photo. That was fun to see the coolest indoor rollercoaster!!! It is huge!!!
3. Park photos – With a lot of other buildings in the right formation, and that was frustrating…but we enjoyed it!!!
4. Go to the KL communication tower and take pictures of the other communication towers of the world. We took the time there to pray for the whole city, and to enjoy the magnificent view.
We enjoyed everything a lot, and now we have to
concentrate on our real mission, to minister to all of the community here!
God bless!!
Paul and Herman!!!