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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

PeRu-ViT (vIta JC)

PeRu-ViT (vIta JC)
After the previous entry depicts we finally arrived in Chiclayo, Peru! With overwhelming Roman Catholic and withcraft influence, we could only wonder what lay ahead!  We began the much anticipated Touching Hearts course offered by a South African lady, Caroline Thorpe. The impact of the course was noted by all and each participant walked away with experiencing either short term or long term life lessons!!! Being translated form English to Spanish we sadly didnt get to finish the course but even so we were moved! With 2 days before the trip to Incawasi we got to sight see a little...
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RoAdTriP... Of NoTe!

RoAdTriP... Of NoTe!
Location: Mendoza Airport, Argentina. Destination: Lima, Peru. 6 days. 5000Kms. GO! With another night on a airport floor under our belts colour teams were given the above instructions, and with that we embraces the words, “this is NOT a race”, “have fun” and “go see the nations”... how exciting! Backpacking through South America, this is what dreams are made of! We head to a hostel in central Mendoza to begin our journey preparation. Reality strikes... we now have 5 ½ days to travel form Argentina to Peru via either Chile, Brazil, Bolivia or Paraguay with a very limited budget and...
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1971 Hits

KiWi + GcEx = :)

KiWi + GcEx = :)
What a way to wake up after a rather topsy turvy start to NZ... I can hardly believe its over, its nausiating really... but the good kind.. the I 've got butterflies from excitement 'cause I know what lies ahead kind..  the realisation of how much we need Jesus kind.. the scream into your pillow and kick your legs around kind.. the look how God rocked our world in NZ kind! After being fined 400 dollars for an orange at the airport (insert little gag effect here), we were greeted by Work Your Way (another team who we seem to run into often) Clara (project...
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1767 Hits


  The Canon on Mt Victoria, Devonport... how we searched for this! On top we also had the most amaing by 360 deg night view of Auckland. We completed the mushroom counting and pic task, the hidden letter in the canon task and the prayers for Auckland here at 7pm at night in the rain!... The Americas Cup Voyager :) we had to track down its number...     We met up with LIME team along the way and what a spurt of fun that was. A sign we found rather amusing along the way. Sky Tower, which was part of the bonus task - 2...
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1987 Hits

AuSsIe AuSsIe AuSSiE...

AuSsIe AuSsIe AuSSiE...
For the first time our team was split in 2... Team 1 (Riaan, Henk, Danie, Daniell and Suiyen) spent a relaxing 2 days in Melbourne whilst the rest were living la vida loca in Malaysia... Two days later we met up and boarded the train and then the bus to Canberra, Australia's capital. (orange story to floow :)) and finally off the MOUNTAIN TRAILS near a little town called Wee Jasper... Afert 2.5 month in Asia we were thrilled to have a toilet we could actually sit on AND flush.. sigh... the little things make me smile :) We spent...
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2030 Hits

FiLiPyNe JyS mYne...

FiLiPyNe JyS mYne...
           Wow! A land that made us and broke us!.... The Churchof God Wirld Missions is a tight run ship with little room for floundering - which is a great thing really... a vision was revealed and the team are running full steam ahead with that which God revealed... AMEN! What a privaledge to be part of such a dynamic ministry! We all grew and grew tired - truly experieced what it meant to be living off the Holy Spirits overflow!!!! Our schedule was as follows: Morning: House to house evangelism (this is composed of few priorities: the handing...
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2701 Hits

TaAi ThAi... :)

TaAi ThAi... :)
     A whole days travel brought us safely from Cambodia across the Thai border and spirts were high as we looked forward to spending time at the ocean...Nights 1 +2 in Trat, Thailand, saw not only time off, but sleep in beds AND an AIRCON before we set off on our faith journey... what a blessing! Afert 4 days of unpredictable excitement (see Buddah's Inn), we were ready to embrace our 2 week serving ministry on Koh Chang Island, the fact that we could now take a shower was also enticing :)  Agian blesdsed with a day of rest at...
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1419 Hits

BuDdAh'S InN...!

BuDdAh'S InN...!
Faith Journey...   Definition: teams get Rxxx to survive (if any)... leave Sunday and return on Wed... Go in faith where God sends you.... WOW! what a testimony Blue team has!!! But because  I actually want you to read it all, abbreviation is inevitable.. BUT this is a goodie!!!!!. SO...  Sunday: Blue pray after a minor disagreement. Lunch provided. God reveals signs - Riaan: (still waters, left, west, not leave Trat, inward journey, the number 9). Sam: (go left, scattered trees). Isa: (chillies). Henk: (confirmation on previous visions). Suiyen: (water, vision of a boat and scenery with a black haired...
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1094 Hits

PiCtuRe ThIs.....

PiCtuRe ThIs.....
As promised  few pics to tie up Cambodia...                  A land that stole the hearts of many, a nation that knows love no other where the smiles of people light up the darkest of moments... A few things to remember... - the tuk tuks (the hours we spent in them) - the mangos - tannie Alta's (and all her ministry work) - the children and how they crept into your heart!!!              JESUS LOVES YOU... "pro-jesu-throw-line-nye""
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1912 Hits

CaN u Do tHe cAm CaM?

Blue team safe in Cambodia..... :) We are blessed to be staying in a house with a roof (YAY) and to be eating the exotics of IndoChina... Andrew, who is our contact here, has been nothing short of fantastic is his accommadation of our 15 strong team! A jam packed week long session leaves not a moment to be bored! Blue team got the privalege of hosting an intimate bible study with the English students last night which not only was great for unity but a chance to spread the gospel ... *YES LORD!... The Camai (Khumer) people are amazing!...
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1984 Hits

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