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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

OoRaL oM Is dIt BLOU :)

OoRaL oM Is dIt BLOU :)
The Taj Mahal was conquered by the Blue team! from Dwarka to Delhi to Agra and all e way back! We were blessed!!! Viva South Africa ViVa!   GiHaHaHaHaD... Riaan, Sam and Suiyen braved the "Holi fest" in Shimla.. it was crazy... randoms  throwing you with powered paint (which we are still battling to get of our clothes and hair!) - they even sneaked up on us a few times, it was kinda like a friendly Gihad (ok maybe not the most appropriate comparison but rather true)... and rather sad, if you get my poo humour...  Sam DRIVING a tuk tuk.......
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'SHRIS'ter's aRe DoinG it 4 TheMseLvEs!

'SHRIS'ter's aRe DoinG it 4 TheMseLvEs!
Blue Team with the Himalayas behind Loving the Snow... proudly South African :) 3400m!   S am: "Cant believe God called such an ordinary girl to such an extraordinary life!" H enk: "Way better than I expected! My first time in the snow was amazing, and I was just awe struck by the beauty and majesty of the Lord's creation" R iaan: " God love for us is like that song, Aint no mountain high enough... It doesnt matter who you are, where you find yourself in your life, what you are going through, God is there with you and...
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What an honour it is to be  writing to you from the Himalaya Mountains... YES... you read right... the Himalaya Mountains in northern India is where we find ourselves at this present time.... In a cozy village called Shimla, a stone throw away from Nepal and on the opposite mountain face as China, we wake up to misty, chilly air, thinner to what we are used to... With an entire almost city carved into the side of the mountain, we wonder how it all still stands... We're staying in a hotel that has the most stupendous view of the surrounding...
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It'S a RaCe... We'Re WiNnInG!

" Ons in hier, ons, ons is hier! Ons is hier, ons, ons is hier! Ons is wie? cant you see? Southbound 'Die", Obviously!" Our BLUE TEAM's war cry during the first challenge... We are here!  - (We have been called and have been obedient - thus we are here!) Cant you see? - (We stand before you - our hearts are ready) Southbound 'die' -"The" team to take on the nations and plant the seed of the word of Jesus in the hearts of the people! Isn't it obvious....?   ps - the title stems from the movie "rat...
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BLUE TEAM 2010!!!

BLUE TEAM 2010!!!
What an honour to be part of such a multifaceted team....  This year is going to be as exciting as it is scary... Life-changing moments await and character tests will reign supreme... But with God as our heavenly Father we will rise from strength to strength through His grace and mercy... ADVENTURE AWAITS!!! HENK..... RIAAN.... ISA.... SAM... SUIYEN...   Blue cant wait to join our yellow and lime teams on this journey :) Southbound... (obviaas)  
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Challenge - Malasia by the Blue Team

Challenge - Malasia by the Blue Team
"Oh what tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" - Sean Connery We started at 6am and went from the Petrona's twin towers (where the movie Entrapment was filmed) to 273 steps with snakes and monkeys.  Taking pictures and running in the rain - asking for donations and then giving it all away.  Was it fun - ????????????  Only after you forget about your sore feet and legs and your stomach settled from the pig intestines that you ate.  Definitely enjoying it when the little fish are eating away at the dead skin on your feet and you know that you are...
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From Turkey to Guatemala

From Turkey to Guatemala
  Paul meet the Ephesian Elders  Acts 20v21.  I have had one message for Jews and Greeks alike - the necessity of repenting from sin and turning to God, and of having faith in our Lord Jesus. Guatemala was the all to do with walking in the faith that we have in Christ.  From the word GO!  Swine flu infested areas, witch craft, demons, deliverance, responding to the Holy Spirit, laying hands on the sick, the poor, demon infested, widows and children.  And going on a Luk 10 journey, trusting God to provide in your every need - and teaching...
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2 Surprises and a Sour Grapefruit

The second North bound challenge started with 1 grapefruit and 1 mission; to get to the Sea of Galilee as quick as possible!!! A welcome surprise awaited our blue team as we met up with Anthony who was to give us the rest of the tasks. We heard that we would be challenging with an extra team member. His name.......Trent! Just to explain a bit: Trent is a guy we met while traveling in Israel. He is from Canada and is a youth pastor there at his church. The last couple of days he has been traveling with us and we have really...
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Ietsie om oor huis toe te skryf....(in English)

  By Marcel & Marizel Doing our bit to add flavour to Global challenge 2009 (wish we could add real tastes and smells too!) :-) Welcome everyone to the first of our new series called "Ietsie om oor huis toe te skryf...". This directly translated from Afrikaans to English means "Something to write home about..." and the inspiration came when experiencing something so life changing, we really felt inclined to write home about it and share with the people at home, so... here's our guava juice and later on mango juice experience* Not so long ago (3 days to be exact)...
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Hey Guys!!!  I would like to introduce you to the Blue team!!  We are 5 in our team.  Our leader is Marcel and then we are Annerie, Mariska, Chris and me, Anelda!  This last few days we had the priviledge of Joe Ewen, of Scotland, that came to teach us alittle bit more about the gifts fof the Holy Spirit.  During this week he gave each team a proficy and also each member a proficy.  For the Blue Team he proficy that we are the team of refreshment.  God will lead us with a cloud.  Rain is going to fall...
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