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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

We are His bride - A letter from Israel

Israel has been a life changing country for me. The first week when we hiked the Gospel trail along the Sea of Galilee, I had a few moments where I felt so down, discouraged and afflicted. Experiencing Israel in that way by roughing it up  and camping wherever we ended up and cooking on our own gas stove was a challenge, but something I will never regret. I experienced God in such a humble and down to earth way.  God stripped me of everything I was still relying on, like associating comfort, security and peace with my environment and circumstances....
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Getting fit for the race!

Getting fit for the race!
 It's been an incredible 6 weeks of traing in J-bay, Transkei, Cape Town and all over the Eastern Cape. I've met amazing young people and we've become true brothers and sisters over this few past weeks, learning more about our purpose, ourselves and God. My heart is being transformed by the passion and freshness of Holy Spirit working inside. I've realised that by allowing transformation and welcoming change, your vision gets clearer and your perspective gets stretched. Which has been such a wonderful process for me in this time of training. My eyes have been opened to see little miracles...
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