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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Adventure Awaits!

Adventure Awaits!
Three weeks ago we arrived in Jeffreys Bay, backpacks containing all the belongings that we will need for the year on our backs, mentally and physically ready to begin with training for our Global Challenge Expedition 2015:)   During the first couple of days we were introduced to the Global community. By sharing amazing stories about what God has done in and through their lives all over the world they imparted to us their heart for the nations and a new excitement to see how God wants to love His children across the globe.    On day five we received...
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Jesus is the Winner Man

Jesus is the Winner Man
Movement, travel, journeying: these are central motifs in the Bible, as they are in Christian life. One reason is that these things jolt us out of what is comfortable, requiring us to step out in faith into the unknown and uncomfortable. And OH WOW have I been jolted these past 7 weeks. I came to Global Challenge with ALOT of preconceived ideas. About myself, about my walk with Jesus, about my future etc etc. I had Marié in a nice little box and all figured out. I thought I was taking a journey to Africa. This changed to South America....
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Looking back on 7 weeks!!

Looking back on 7 weeks!!
  This blog will be my attempt to explain what happen the last 7 weeks of training, seeing as I don't journal I'll try my best... Training: January 11 - 28 February Welcoming Our first weekend it felt like meeting family for the first time, everyone was super exited and full of expectations!!  We were welcomed as if we landed at an airport and had to book in our luggage and have our passports ready. I soon after got to meet everyone that is doing the Work Your Way journey, Geoff - our group leader, Quinton, Vilandré, Roan - but...
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Welcome to Global Challenge...

Welcome to Global Challenge...
  We were welcomed by a bunch of crazy, ukulele-playing servant leaders singing "Welcome to the Global Challenge. This will be the best year that you ever experience." My excitement overcame my fear and uncertainty, and before I even knew it my parents were gone and I needed to become a part of this whole new family. Like my dad described it, he isn't losing his 2 children this year, he is receiving a whole lot more of them. We were made a part of this community from the very beginning, going to Baviaanskloof for the first weekend and just...
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The end of the first chapter of our journey

The end of the first chapter of our journey

Training ended on a high note Thursday evening and the Global Challengers of 2013 are ready to go! The Commissioning was so special - we gathered at Global Junction, with almost the entire Global Challenge community in attendance. We had a fantastic time swapping stories and memories from training while eating the mouth-watering food they prepared for us. We also received our Global Challenge gear, which really finalized it for me: I am now ready to go into the nations!

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training going well. . . .

After hearing the global family's stories. We had an awsome time bonding in the "bush". Also had a great week of bible teachings and discipleship. Looking forward for what is to come. . . 
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After a whirlwind 7 weeks of training, that felt somehow longer than that considering all encompassed in them. I had laughed, cried, been excited, angry, confused, exhausted refreshed, very uncomfortable and so much more. But you see, I'd chosen this ( at least I think so) and when I came to Jeffrey's Bay, South Africa I knew training would be challenging but quite necessary. Well, I didn't foresee my irritation at having to do some athletic exercises on Survivor, being challenged on how I prefer to put God in a box I can wrap my head around when in actual...
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Training, what a privilege!

Y Training has been such an amazing experience.  From luxury living to survivor week, right through to trusting God on a Luke10. I have been pulled, stretched, "murdered" and healed in such a short amount of time. God is good. God is faithful. There is still so much to be learned, so much to be revealed and so very much to do. I can only thank God that I don't have to do anything without Him. 
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Learning to listen

Learning to listen
Its hard to start dancing when there is no music. Actually it is impossible to dance to the tune if you can not hear it. You will look off beat and certainly make a fool of yourself. This past month of training I learned that its not about dancing to the beat, but rather the fact that the music is always playing.   Its not really about the song playing, but do you have the ability to hear it? Faith is believing God speaks. He is always speaking to us. Playing the most beautiful melodies. Longing for us to listen....
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Getting fit for the race!

Getting fit for the race!
 It's been an incredible 6 weeks of traing in J-bay, Transkei, Cape Town and all over the Eastern Cape. I've met amazing young people and we've become true brothers and sisters over this few past weeks, learning more about our purpose, ourselves and God. My heart is being transformed by the passion and freshness of Holy Spirit working inside. I've realised that by allowing transformation and welcoming change, your vision gets clearer and your perspective gets stretched. Which has been such a wonderful process for me in this time of training. My eyes have been opened to see little miracles...
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