Israel has been a life changing country for me. The first week when we hiked the Gospel trail along the Sea of Galilee, I had a few moments where I felt so down, discouraged and afflicted. Experiencing Israel in that way by roughing it up and camping wherever we ended up and cooking on our own gas stove was a challenge, but something I will never regret. I experienced God in such a humble and down to earth way. God stripped me of everything I was still relying on, like associating comfort, security and peace with my environment and circumstances....
My public journal. An adventure around the world on 5 different continents- serving, loving and celebrating! Africa. Europe. Asia. North America. South America.
Our journey kicked off in Cancún, Mexico, where we had to travel for 10 days and meet up with the rest of the team in Guatemala. My group got a lift to Merida which is a big city in Mexico where we spent our first night sleeping at the bus station where we got chased away at 12pm. We found another bus station where they let us sleep. Early morning we started hitchhiking towards Campeche. The lady we got a lift with was actually on her way to Cuidad del Carmen which was even better for us....
Sahlep n. a traditional winter warmer, a common beverage in Turkey. The powder of Sahlep is sold in a ready-to-prepare form, to be mixed with cold milk or water, boiled until it gets thick so that it can really sooth our sore throats and take away that cold during the blistery winter days. The dust of cinnamon makes it even more pleasurable. It is thick, it is sweet, it is comforting. I would like to use this delicious drink, made out of orchids, as a metaphor to describe my time in Turkey: As we arrived with a lot...
Our time in Israel has been so rich and the change in landscapes and scenery is incredible. This was one of my highlights, the Negev Desert. It is the biggest crater in the world caused by erosion.
Mexico was a big fiesta. We arrived without planning food and accommodation, but ended up having an air conditioned bedroom and a huge dish of tacos the first night. Our man of peace was a passport control official when we found out that he’s a pastor, inviting us to a conference at his church that evening. We took a taxi straight from the airport to the conference, arrived with our luggage, dropped it in an office and joined the fiery congregation. We were taken in by a man and his wife, Armando and Milly and little did we know that...
It's been an incredible 6 weeks of traing in J-bay, Transkei, Cape Town and all over the Eastern Cape. I've met amazing young people and we've become true brothers and sisters over this few past weeks, learning more about our purpose, ourselves and God. My heart is being transformed by the passion and freshness of Holy Spirit working inside. I've realised that by allowing transformation and welcoming change, your vision gets clearer and your perspective gets stretched. Which has been such a wonderful process for me in this time of training. My eyes have been opened to see little miracles...
If I could use three words to describe Cuba, it would be Chevrolets, ice cream and pizza. Chevrolets, because 90% of the cars in Cuba are old, vintage Chevy's driving up and down the colourful streets, giving it a 60's vibe with golden oldies playing on the radios of these vintage vehicles. Ice cream, because every 10 meters down the street there’s an ice cream parlour selling ice cream for 1 Peso, which is 50c in SA. Same sell scoops and others soft serve, nevertheless it’s cheap and a life saver on those hot, Cuban summer days. And pizza, because...
-What a disaster! Or to state it rather in a more positive light, what a leap of faith! Landing in Israel on a Saturday morning without any public transportation and with all the supermarkets closed, wasn’t a breeze. We caught cars to take us up to Tiberias at the Sea of Galilee and arrived in groups of 2's and 3's at the McDonald’s which was also closed to our disappointment. After a few hours of chasing after the wind to find a place to sleep (camp) we ended up taking a taxi to the southern part of the sea and...