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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Pokhara - The jewel in the Himalaya

Pokhara - The jewel in the Himalaya
While our first week in Nepal we focused on encouraging the churches, the second week we focused on adding to them. After a six hour bus ride to Pokhara we immediately started walking to unreached villages, sharing the truth with the people and handing out tracts written in Nepali. We had some great conversations and people were usually willing to listen to us. God really protected us there because after we got back Ben (The Nepali missionary we stayed with) told us that the people in those villages usually attack Christians and he had been too scared to go until now....
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Northbound's Indian Thank You!

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Nepal has been wild so far In the past week we've spent much time with the Church here. Encouraging our family in Christ. The team split up into 2 groups. 7 of us visited house fellowships everyday and attended a few different church services. Bringing the Word of God and seeing people set free! Experiencing the Lord's favor. While the other 4 hiked 8 hours up a mountain to the village of Chepang. There they also attended church service and prayed and encouraged the new believers! Witnessing the Splendor of God and His Creation. Being touched by the humility and...
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India is hectic.   For the first week, we were in Delhi, doing some serious bible studying.  Then we took a train to a big orphanage. Our goal there was to repaint the inside of the boys hostel and to provide a new set of undies for each child, along with chilling with the kids, and hosting an evening program every night. Except for one thing..we didn’t have any money to do this         So we scraped,  sanded and painted in faith, trusting that our Father is The Provider.  And after only 5 days of fund raising...
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AWAY WE GO! to Thailand

AWAY WE GO!  to Thailand
 Coming from India to beautiful, green and clean Thailand was nuts.     This is the blog for my half of the team: Marykee, Annami, Ruan, Ryno and I. We went to Phuket.  For the past 2 weeks we’ve been working at painting a local school , while staying in the classroom.  Learning to serve with integrity and unity – just like Jesus. Starting  our days off by the exegesis of  Philippians has been awesome.   Discovering deeper truths about Jesus and who we are in Him.   So good dude* And some evenings we caught a ride to the...
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Half way update

Half way update
Okay here's my halfway year blog.  Im thankful for every place weve been so far some more challenging than others. But I'd still rather be here than anywhere else.  I seriously love the friends I've made. They're a real blessing  Im struggling to use my words today , so this one might be short.. Im thankful for everything my Father has done in me so far. I can't imagine what He's planning for the rest of the year, but I know there's so much more. I just wanna be open and obedient  Thanks for all your prayers, love and support Jesus...
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Ho Chi Minh city-  We attended a bunch of different English classes at coffee shops and places. The Vietnamese people love practising english.  Just shining our lights with love and joy. We also helped out at a rad coffee shop. Working shifts, hangin with the staff. Dedre + Ruan even had the privilege of making some live music a couple of evenings!  Nha Trang -  We spent some time in a village meeting with the elderly, blessing them with some food packs. Was depressing seeing the cute little grannies worshipping their idols, no hope. Noticed the real difference between the...
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