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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Being in a relationship!

Being in a relationship!
Psalm 139:1-18 O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. (2) You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. (3) You see me when I travel and rest at home. You know everything I do. (4) You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. (5) You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head. (6) Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to understand! (7) I can never escape...
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The greatest of these is LOVE!

We were busy feeding the village kids in Pemba when God spoke to me. It was so clear. This is what Jesus called us to do. To feed the hungry, to pray for the sick, to give the orphans a place to sleep, to love the widows, to love the lost and to free people in bondage. To be Jesus's hand and feet. This is what Jesus did and this is what we are called to do. This is what the Gospel of Jesus asks of us. The problem is that we sometimes believe the Gospel of Jesus but we...
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My God, the God of the impossible!

I was sitting on the beach, on the last Sunday before we would head back to Tanzania to fly home after 8 months in Africa when it dawned on me. I have made it. Wow, by Gods grace I have really made it. Me and my team have traveled all the way through North, West and East Africa, through 13 countries to our current destination in Pemba Mozambique and we can say we have made it.   For some of you this might not sound like much but for me it truly is a great work of God. Seeing that...
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Scratching the surface and finding God's heart.

Scratching the surface and finding God's heart.
On our way down from North to West Africa we crossed a country called Mauritania. Im sure for most of you the name rings a bell but if you were asked whether you know anything about this country your reply would probably be the same as mine was. Not much. I didnt know much but from what I read and what people told me this was a strict muslim state were Christians were being killed for their faith, a country firmly in the grip of Islam, a dangerous place were one shouldnt really go unless you really had to. But...
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Support for Explore Africa Expedition!

Support for Explore Africa Expedition!
  Explore Africa Expedition We are a team of 7 young people embarking on a mission to travel and serve in different parts of North, East and West Africa. At the heart of our mission to serve in Africa, we seek to see Christ made known in our continent. We will travel through 13 countries from March 2011 and will return to South Africa in November 2011. During this time we will be serving the poor, sharing the good news of Christ and studying the scriptures. In order to make this journey possible, each member needs to raise up to...
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Project Jabulani Park succesfully completed!

Project Jabulani Park succesfully completed!
Hello!   To all who expressed support through prayer and finances we are priviliged to inform you that Project Jabulani Park was successfully completed on the 10th of February 2011. As Explore Africa team and the South Bound team we had an incredible and meaningful time with the children of Coffee Bay Christan School. Together we managed to build a jungle gym, dig a sand pit and put a fence around the school. When we were not busy working we played with the children and could just give them love. Furthermore we had the  oppurtunity to share the Gospel to the kids, wash...
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Da Lidas from transkei!

Da Lidas from transkei!
Exciting times. Transkei has been a period of victory and battle!We are six “leedas” with six leading bags on the back of a red Ford bakkie writing a blog in the midst of a challenge.   We were four teams that split up into 2 main projects; RURAL MAHOSHENI and COFFEE BAY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL.   Rural Mahosheni: EXTREME MAKEOVER   When you hear the word extreme makeover you would propably think about reboulding a house. Well we trusted God not only to help us start building a clinic and a 'rondavel' but more than that for a Spiritual makeover in...
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Trusting Him with everything!

Trusting Him with everything!
It is just over four weeks since I have arrived in Jbay and a lot has happened. From saying goodbye to my family to greeting my new team. It has been somewhat challenging and God has especially been challenging me to trust him In the last three weeks God has specifically challenged me to trust Him with my finances, my family, the journey, the year, my ability to lead the team and my future. He has challenged me to basically trust him with everything and because I initially failed doing so it felt like a mountain on my shoulders. Thankfully...
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Project Jabulani Park: Building a safe place to play

Project Jabulani Park: Building a safe place to play
[video: 400x400] The Coffee Bay Christian School, located in the rural community of the Transkei is in need of facilities suitable for sustainable child development. Among other needs, a jungle gym (as per the video clip) is required and your support will be greatly appreciated.   The primary school has minimal funds with very primitive facilities. The children of the school face an empty, hard and unfriendly stretch of ground as they step out of the classroom for their play time.   As the Global Challenge Explore Africa team we believe that stimulating child play is crucial for cognitive and...
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One last blessing before we head back home!

One last blessing before we head back home!
During our 3 weeks in Egypt the Lord gave me a picture of our team. I saw a picture of us walking in the desert and up ahead in the distance Jesus was walking, leading us as we followed in his footsteps.   For me and the team this was very encouraging as we felt the Lord saying that he was preparing the way for us for the next 2 months and that were ever we would go he would have been before to prepare everything for us. Looking back at our time I could see how the Lord prepared...
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