Step into the classroom thinking this is it. Leaving your books in your bag like you know what to expect. You’ve done this before so why would you bother expecting more.
And so it begins.
You do what needs to be done with the time that has been given to you. You continue as you always have believing lies and making them true because thats what happens when you believe a lie. You grow reluctant towards purpose as you wear the mask that everyone sees as true. As you continue on surviving you find deeper strength that shows what was built into you through many dangers, toils and snares. You doubt your place in this world but yet keep seeking.
In an Instant God shows ways and you see further than your used to seeing and while your excitement builds you share in making a body function. You fly to the heart and you learn what it means to love in the midst of brokenness. You see a Pride in people and you see a jewel in people and then you see love.
You move into ancient paths and see people hiding from war within themselves and you try to show a glimpse of hope that comes from a deep place. While you break walls down that isolate, you make the bricks to build a place of peace.
You start to see where your heart feels purpose and dream of what that looks like. You set off on the biggest trust fall you can think of and discover the secret of being content. Because do we know what small space we occupy in this world?
In all the madness you find Him. He teaches, He guides, He strengthens, He gives hope, He takes fear, He moulds, He Encourages, He Restores, He’s good.
He Loves...