What a blessed two weeks it hadn’t been TEACH? A spiritual blessing as well as physically spoiled, eg an air-conditioned room which is really a treat in the Thai summer.
We were 5 Global Challenge participants joining forces with other Christian volunteers from Singapore, Philippines, Thailand and USA, teaching English at a small “college” in Hat Yai. Classes usually started at 9:00 and were divided into one and a half hour sessions. Then in afternoon there were two more sessions from 16:30 – 19:30. The students were over all age groups, from 6 years to late thirties. Most of the students were university students though and we had a great opportunity to really become good friends with them. We had often went out with them for dinner or been shown around the
city. Most of them are from a Buddhist background and the differences in religions are a good “English topic” to discuss.
We as volunteers also had devotion together every night and one of the prayer points was for the salvation of two specific individuals in Hat Yai. One of them was Ton, who is living next-door. It was very special for us to bear witness and pray with him as he received Christ. The permanent staff of TEACH had become friends with him about three months ago. Ton, (with his wife and child) also joined us for the church service on Sunday. We also thank the Lord for the other person we prayed for. She gave her life to the Lord two days ago.
The TEACH staff has really been a blessing to us, just the way the live and example
of Christianity in action. They have also treated us in many ways; one of it was taking us for a picnic to a breathtaking waterfall in the rainforest. The other real enjoyable event was the birthday party of Trish, our new 4 year old friend. Thanks Trish, it was a great party.
(Singing songs at the Birthday party)
I want to thank everyone at TEACH and we keep praying for you guys and the work you do.
(Also if anyone is interested in doing voluntary English teaching & ministry while traveling in Thailand you are welcome to contact me)