The Lord sent us to Blimbingsari and we are so blessed to be here. God gave us a place to connect and encourage the people here. We are working/playing in an orphanage in Bali. We are working threw a lot of teachings and it opened my eyes to new things that will take with me thou life. The time gap between this blog and the previous blog was full of everything. Enjoy reading.
Participant Blogs
It started off with a small Facebook poem,
This poem was written about my new home.
It gave me the idea to right a blog that rhymes
Something about the sound of chimes
Since my last blog so much has happened. I cannot tell it all. One of the top moments for me was when we watched the sun set over the old city from Mt. Olives and when a Muslim said the words he wants to show his family the Bible. He gave his heat to Christ moments after!!
A small Canadian girl who wanted to become a dolphin psychologist was one of my friends this weekend. She loves animals and loved to pet the snake we cought. Her dad is the man in charge of the camp site where we are working. We currently revamping a summer camp next to a lake. We are repacking storage rooms and unloaded a truck full of donations of chairs and equipment that a church gave the camp site. We have learned that hard work is not always lifting heavy things but sometimes just plain scraping a wall before painting it. It just is not as much fun as moving big things but lots can be learned. I asked God to learn me something or show me something that can make me understand Him more. This is what He reviled to me:
Patients, is an on going proses that can never be completed. If a man can wait for 20min before he loses his temper he must be put in situations where he must wait 20min or longer to improve.
There came a time when this man will reach a place where he can wait 2 hours before getting frustrated. This is the point where the next step sucks a bit. In order to improve on waiting more than 2 hours something big needs to happen. Waiting more than 2 hours can change the days planning and get very long.
There was also the idea that, if you are waiting for a long time and loose you temper, you would fail the test but still improved your time limit and the test would be over. Thus the waiting period will be over and that what ever you were waiting for will come to you. with in a very shot time.
This theory was put together in Egypt when Frikkie and I sat next to the road.