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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

First challenge for Work your way

Place: London Time: 8am-4pm The Mission Objective: Preach the gospel at a venue. Bring back at least 5 pounds. Budget: 5 pounds Team 1: Hanno, Erns, Dirkie Team 2: Frikkie, Schalk, Ruben Team 1 Hanno, Erns and I went to a map at a bus stop. Just to see what is in the area. We felt God is sending us to the Salvation Army. We went there to see if we can preach to somebody there. It was not open yet, so we had 2hours to walk around in London. We were on our way to Kings Road. We saw...
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If it is not your toothbrush, don’t brush with it.

India was not what I expected at all. I just didn't picture it that way. o well, I had so much at Immanuel. The kids were awesome and although they didn't speak English we somehow connected.


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It has been a long time since I was able to blog.  We are in Australia for a long time. We volunteered at a camping ground. We helped running the programs and told the children about Jesus. It has been amazing!

This is a couple of short stories of what happened:

It was rainy and could, and nobody was looking forward to the next day. We were planning to go horseback riding and ride on dirt bikes. The night the kids prayed for a sunshiny day. (Not all of the kids are christian)The next morning it was raining again. But after we had breakfast and did what we had to do, the sky cleared and the sun was shining. The kids knew that this was God and he must be real.


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From London to Guatemala

The week in London was pretty cool. We were so blessed by Ian and Erika the whole time. We got the chance to see London while staying in with them. The last night we were blessed with “boerewors”!

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Borneo village.

Borneo village.
Our time in Tioman was a time of change. It was great to have De Necker with us and give teachings and helps us throw a couple of problems. He was such a blessing. The fresh outlook on things gave us a new hunger and courage to keep on doing what we are called for, although it is not always easy. From Toiman we did our Luke 10 back to KL and then we flew to Borneo in Indonesia. My brother always said he wants to come here one day and I always wanted to join him.  Back then it...
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Luke 10 part 2: Suprise suprise

Luke 10 part 2: Suprise suprise
Before Luke 10 started Rueben and I talked and prayed a lot. We knew anything can happen and we though we were ready for anything. God clearly showed us that we though wrong. What happened on our Luke 10 is something nobody would consider as possible options. Not because it cannot happen, just because nobody thinks of these things before hand. Never the less, it was somewhat fun and something that changed my outlook on people. It took some time for us to move on from the gas station. We stayed there for a while. We had no idea where...
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A blog from the past....

By the time this blog is available for you to read, I am in Aus working on a sheep farm. Well that is the plan up until this point. I don't know if I will have wi fi or not. This is way I rote this blog on the 3rd of July.

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Almost done

WYW is having a great time and learning to much. We are looking forward to go home, I cannot wait to see the other teams and hear what God has done in their lives. But the year is not over jet so we will make the most of what we have left. To anyone thinking of doing Global in 2013, It is amazing and if God sends you on a journey, is it going to be one amazing experience.
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Luke 10 part 1: The long road

Luke 10 part 1: The long road
B efore Luke 10 started, we talked in the big group with De Necker about misconceptions that we might have about the Luke 10. We realized that it is not to go out and see how God provides for us. It is to go out and to do God's will. It is to follow His instructions with out distractions and at any cost. It is to serve people and share the love that God put in us with the people on the way.  We started of at a town on the East coast. After praying, God gave us Deuteronomy 8:7-9...
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Molo Transkei

Molo Transkei
Wow this was great! A week in Coffee bay and a week Canzibe. And then The First Challenge. to get back to J bay. It involved true taxi's, police, pigs and afval. Coffee bay is an amazing place. Beauty beyond believe and full of all kinds of adventure. Work your way build a fence around the school building "Plankie". (The best looking fence in Transkei) We also destroyed a concrete floor and laid a new one.At one stage there was no water. But there is no problem that God cannot solve. Water was always just a prayer away. Oom Gerrie's...
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