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THE KNOTS PRAYER Dear God, please untie the knots that are in my mind, my heart and my life. Remove the  have  nots , the  can  nots  and the  do  nots that I have in my mind. Erase the  will  nots , may  nots , and might  nots  that find a home in my heart. Release me from the  could  nots , would  nots  and should  nots  that obstruct my life. And most of all, dear God, I ask that you remove from my mind my heart and my life all of the  am  nots that I have allowed to...
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AmAzInG RaCe - CHaLLenGe

AmAzInG RaCe - CHaLLenGe
Hello all...   Just a few pics to highlight the madness that was the challenge - (if you have seen the amazing race on SABC you'll have a slight idea...) no transport, little to no money, no transport, no sleeping place, 2 days, 24 tasks...  And as for the mention of the chicken in the previous blog - above is proof that WE CAUGHT IT :) and just in case you were wondering... yes - Leo was delicious! :)   The two days were only the beginning... We were thrown straight into Survivor... that's right - a double bill of...
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'SHRIS'ter's aRe DoinG it 4 TheMseLvEs!

'SHRIS'ter's aRe DoinG it 4 TheMseLvEs!
Blue Team with the Himalayas behind Loving the Snow... proudly South African :) 3400m!   S am: "Cant believe God called such an ordinary girl to such an extraordinary life!" H enk: "Way better than I expected! My first time in the snow was amazing, and I was just awe struck by the beauty and majesty of the Lord's creation" R iaan: " God love for us is like that song, Aint no mountain high enough... It doesnt matter who you are, where you find yourself in your life, what you are going through, God is there with you and...
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GUATEMALA VIDEO _myblog&show=guatemala-disaster-fund-vid eo.html&Itemid=574 Hi PLEASE have a look at this quick vidoe of what we are dealing with!   THANK YOU for all the support and prayers!!! SHRIS
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What an honour it is to be  writing to you from the Himalaya Mountains... YES... you read right... the Himalaya Mountains in northern India is where we find ourselves at this present time.... In a cozy village called Shimla, a stone throw away from Nepal and on the opposite mountain face as China, we wake up to misty, chilly air, thinner to what we are used to... With an entire almost city carved into the side of the mountain, we wonder how it all still stands... We're staying in a hotel that has the most stupendous view of the surrounding...
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TaAi ThAi... :)

TaAi ThAi... :)
     A whole days travel brought us safely from Cambodia across the Thai border and spirts were high as we looked forward to spending time at the ocean...Nights 1 +2 in Trat, Thailand, saw not only time off, but sleep in beds AND an AIRCON before we set off on our faith journey... what a blessing! Afert 4 days of unpredictable excitement (see Buddah's Inn), we were ready to embrace our 2 week serving ministry on Koh Chang Island, the fact that we could now take a shower was also enticing :)  Agian blesdsed with a day of rest at...
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DoN't PiLLaY!

WHAT...??? I have to do what with my toilet paper? hmm... I am still wrapping my head around the cultural differences I am about to be faced with such as the 'no left hand' rule... and 'bog roll-in-the-bin-not-in-the-loo' rule... and the toilets on the ever fresh smelling train... YUM :) :) But I am READY... .... So since its 1.35am and I am yet to pack, I do believe 'tomorrow' has arrived a day early *mental distress signal initiated*  but... nonetheless I shall mention some *fun facts* about India... (if you haven't caught on by now that would be our...
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My LiFe HaS ChAnGed FoR GO(O)D...

My LiFe HaS ChAnGed FoR GO(O)D...
HOW do I describe a week (past 5 actually) that tossed and turned, uprooted and uplifted, shook and revolutionized my life... It's hard to explain the impact of the event to those who didnt experience it first hand, but I will try my best to do so without scaring anyone off...   > My HISTORY is not my IDENTITY - may past is part of me but does not need to own me! We all make mistakes (and fall short of the glory of God - Rom 3:23) - but we can and are forgiven and can move on  and...
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BLUE TEAM 2010!!!

BLUE TEAM 2010!!!
What an honour to be part of such a multifaceted team....  This year is going to be as exciting as it is scary... Life-changing moments await and character tests will reign supreme... But with God as our heavenly Father we will rise from strength to strength through His grace and mercy... ADVENTURE AWAITS!!! HENK..... RIAAN.... ISA.... SAM... SUIYEN...   Blue cant wait to join our yellow and lime teams on this journey :) Southbound... (obviaas)  
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LUKE 10 vIdEo *

[video: 550x450]
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