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Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Ready, set, GO!!

Training is amazing! I never thought God would bless me this much, to have such an awesome group, team, and a breathtaking location as base. Looking forward to continue this learning process and to see what God has in store for me.   Blessings 
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training going well. . . .

After hearing the global family's stories. We had an awsome time bonding in the "bush". Also had a great week of bible teachings and discipleship. Looking forward for what is to come. . . 
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Here we go!

Here we go!
With great expectations we started this journey. It was a time of being uncertain of what awaits us but being certain that God has called us. and that is exactly the point...God has called us. He still is. And those who answer this ever present call are the people who will see His glory unfold in the hidden world. Training has been an adventure in itself. We are discovering so much about ourselves and of God. Our ways of thinking has been moulded, challenged, and affirmed. It has been both challenging and edifying. This is church. A group of believers...
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Watch this Space!

It's such a privilege to have a small part in Global Challenge Expeditions this year! I cannot express the immensity of my excitement! And we're not even halfway done with training yet!! What?? If you're as eager as I am to find out how God's going to glorify His Name among the nations in 2015, then watch this space!!!
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Training .

It is so far a amazing journey. I just love training. We been put in the wilderness for 4days with nothing els but our cloths we had on . What a adventure to get out of your comfort zone . We all smelt like pigs but what a time. After wilderness week we had a training course where we went deep in the Word . After that we had a teaching about God's grace . What a wonderful teaching.   And now we are journeying with school kids .
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My new journey awaits

Only two weeks of training have passed and I already feel like I have learnt a lifetime of lessons. The people I've met here are already like part of my family. And as for my relationship with God.. It has never been so strong and so intense. I feel like a better, stronger person. And God is my leader, using me as a messenger to tell His story to the world. And all I can say is, "I'm ready for the change, I'm ready for the world, I'm ready for the things that I've already learnt."- Coldplay. These are the...
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The adventure starts in Jeffery's Bay!!

What a blessing to already feel so at home with all the global challengers of 2015! We've had some crazy adventures (and challenges) already! From being in the bush for a few days and just chilling with Jesus in His beautiful creation to amazing teachings and mind blowing grace! Today had the great priviledge of meeting some of the global leadership academy students and can't wait to get to know the girls better!! Watch this space for testimonies of just how amazing our Father is!!!
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