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Jesus is the Winner Man

Jesus is the Winner Man
Movement, travel, journeying: these are central motifs in the Bible, as they are in Christian life. One reason is that these things jolt us out of what is comfortable, requiring us to step out in faith into the unknown and uncomfortable. And OH WOW have I been jolted these past 7 weeks. I came to Global Challenge with ALOT of preconceived ideas. About myself, about my walk with Jesus, about my future etc etc. I had Marié in a nice little box and all figured out. I thought I was taking a journey to Africa. This changed to South America....
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Luke 10 mission in St Francis

Luke 10 mission in St Francis
No money, no phones, just the clothes on our backs and our Bibles...that is how we were sent out on our first Luke 10 mission. Four of us hitch hiked to St Francis Bay last Friday. Not knowing where exactly to go, we walked through the streets, intentionally looking for people to bless and pray for. Not by accident we stumbled across a youth group gathering that evening. We met Rachael, an American missionary, who invited us into her home for the weekend. We wanted to bless her with prayer, fellowship and encouragement, yet we were overwhelmed by the way...
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Beauty for ashes♡

Beauty for ashes♡
So, I woke up in my own bed this morning after 7 weeks of sleeping in unfamiliar places with people I hardly know. Now I can say that I have 35 new homes built in my heart. On Thursday night we were commisioned, and man, what a long journey to FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!    Talking about homes.  Time to be honest about the one I'm living in. The one you can't see with your eyes.  The one you feel with your heart.     For quite a long time, I was disobedient and didn't want to leave behind the familiar, to experience...
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Luke 10 - The Kingdom of God Has Come Near!

Luke 10 - The Kingdom of God Has Come Near!
"The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him , two by two, into every town and place where he himself was about to go. And he said to them, " The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few . Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest. Go your way; behold, I am sending you out as lambs in the midst of wolves. Carry no moneybag, no knapsack, no sandals , and greet no one on the road. Whatever house you enter, first say, ' Peace be...
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End of training.

End of training.
Training is over.. :( See you all in Johannesburg. Then its time to take on the nations, WOOP!
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So with training done we are sent out into the nations....and then we the airport. Airports are were people come and go. It's a place of excitement, sadness, expectations and for some a new beginning. Like a new promise that has been patiently waiting to be discovered. And this is how we feel. A new adventure on the other side of that boarding gate. A journey that will change our lives forever through the people we will meet. It feels like we only arrived yesterday for training and now we are on our way again. God has spoken words...
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Into the wild!

Work Your Way: Kenya Project   Kenya is a profound land filled with rich culture and diversity. A team of young adventurers risk everything to serve missionaries that have established community development programs.    Andre Brink, known as The White Maasai, has worked and earned his way into the tribal life over the last 14 years with the help of God's provision and favour. One of the community development projects in Maasai-land is a self-sustainable eco campus. The Work Your Way Team will fly on the 4th of March and land in Tanzania, drive down to the South of Kenya...
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Who knew?

Who knew?
Who knew that this would happen? God has intensely shaped every heart and used this time to cast vision, detox, and challenge every heart's desire that's not in line with His will. God calls a pure and holy bride to rise up and walk in His provision. We have been blessed in so many ways by God who just provides. This week we were helping out at GLA. God provided roughly R24000 in 5 days to help build this school. Our benchmark is R30000 and we know God will provide the rest. When God casts a vision Hen I'll complete...
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Break an Egg, Build a School!

The Global Challenge Expeditions Team of 2015 has created an initiative to increase financial support, called the Break an Egg, Build a School Challenge . This challenge is to create a video of you breaking an egg in a creative way and donate at or at your local bank. Post your video on a social media website and nominate 5 friends to do the same! You are welcome to donate without participating in the challenge. Three classrooms. Seven days. Thirty-six students. One inspired vision. Our team has the privilege to advance classrooms which will prepare leaders who will reach...
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Northbound is going... South!

Our first challenge is upon us: Northbound is going to Cape Town!! After a massively thought-provoking seminar on "the making of a leader" by Floydd McClung over the weekend, we're leaving to the Cape to sort out our Visas for the European leg of our journey. We'll be visiting the Russian and Greek embassies. We trust in the Lord that He will open the right doors for us at the right time! So pray with us for open borders and soft hearts.  “I will go before you  and level the exalted places,  I will break in pieces the doors of...
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