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Eat your way: Guyana

Eat your way: Guyana
Guyana: land of many waters (especially in rainy season), many many musquitos (also known as the national bird of Guyana), ALOT of jungle and ALOT of sand... Overall Guyana was one of my favorite countries so far. Guyana is like a little India in Africa but situated in South America. The beauty of the jungle is something you only dream about or see in movies. The people: le-gen-da-ry. Just to give some insight into this statement. One day our faithful mode of transportation, an old school bus, failed to start and we needed to be at the pastor's village in...
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Israel-Jesus smells like coconut and promises

Israel-Jesus smells like coconut and promises
 23 April 2015.       Independence day- A day of celebration, music, dancing, partying all decorated with blue and white flags.     Walking down the highway in Tyberias I saw two men in a little white Kia, their faces looked like home! It was oom Wikus and Hennie hooting all the way! Excitement bubbled up in me, after not seeing loved ones for so long! We ended up eating Mc Donalds on top of the hill we pitched our tents on (it ended being someone's farm, haha) Our first two nights in Tyberias ended up being sleepless, because...
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The chronicals of Marton Thailand

Thailand   In ordinary life we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.   I am sitting on a bus travelling through Thailand, it is around  7 am . The sun is just starting to peak out from behind the mountain. Suddenly I realize and become thankful that I am not travelling with random people or friends - this is family travelling together. If I had to look back over the past 2 weeks, from where we left Bangkok with our bicycles, to where we...
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God is the travel team!

I've had the wonderful opportunity to share the blessings and testimonies of the Travel team in a few churches and it has inspired me to also share it on my blog.   We are three members who are a part of the travel team of Hidden World. Our duty/responsibility is to sort out and organize how the team will get from one point to another considering time, distance, prices, safety and method of transport. If we don't have a place to sleep at a ministry point we also have to organize for a roof over our heads. The challenges we...
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Goodbye Vietnam.

Work Your Way 2015 had an amazing time in Vietnam. We stayed in a home stay with a vietnamese family.  Got to work  with the international church in Vietnam. We painted some houses and gave english lessons in parks.  Vietnamese people is amazing and we got to experience the culture everyday. From riding with motorcycles through HoChiMinh, eating street food and experiencing the Mekong delta.      We have some amazing testimonies of the lords grace in our lives and others. we are currently in the beautiful city of Singapore and leaving for Australia on Monday. Thank you for everyone's...
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Glorious Guyana

One way to describe Guyana is Amazon jungle with a hint of India. The food is very spicy and ricy. Lots of colors. The caribbean accent is very prominent. Oh and sand. Lots and lots of sand. A peculiar thing if you think about it. Sand belongs on a beach, not in a jungle. Or that's my western mindset. Georgetown is the capital and is about 5m below sea level. The coast is mostly mangroves and dykes to keep the ocean at bay. While we were here it was election time and a new political party won. The people have...
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Kenya debrief-Chillfam United.

Kenya debrief-Chillfam United.
    2 015-03-16     Our time in beautiful Zanzibar ended, and we were excited to merge with Hidden World and WYW again. After spending a very blessed night in Dar es Salaam, we got on the 06:00 bus to Kenya! "Some call it Africa, I call it home" , or so they say. My entire view of Africa changed. I am South-African, so Africa, beautiful Africa, had an immense impact on my heart and the way I saw things. After 13 hours of travelling, we got a taxi that took us to Kilifi. My seats window was broken,...
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Washed by the hands of my Father

There's a new dawn arising, there's a new constellation forming and a new song playing. I can see it being formed through the winking of the stars. I can hear the song playing through the whispers of the wind and the rolling of the waters. There's a new time coming. And it's coming for us. The reborn and the saved, the hopeless and the hopeful. We will be one, we will be renewed. The day I got baptised was the start of a new life. That's what I was told though. Whether I believed it or not, I'm still not...
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Jordan-Jesus loves in colors..

Jordan-Jesus loves in colors..
2015-03-30 With bacon and banana filled tummies, we left for Jordan. On the airport we found out that our entire route got changed because war broke out in Yemen. [This is probably the right time to say: A LIFE LIKE NO OTHER]  After 32 hours of travelling, and no sleep due to the fact that Geneke and I would rather explore and take selfies with stuffed camels on Dohas airport.    Jordan, oh Jordan!!  I have always wondered why people living in the desert, paint their houses the color of the desert. It just doesn't make any sense to me!!...
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Beautiful Suriname...

Beautiful Suriname...
Crossing the Guyanese border with a ferry into the Dutch speaking country of Suriname... Not wanting to rest our eyes, when there is so much to see... Wooden houses build on stilts, coloured flags every where, all sorts of new fruits to try while seeing so many warm smiling faces..   After settling in, Pastor Moestafa came to greet us with a big smile. As one of the teachers at the mission school we could really learn a lot from him, for he has such a passion when he starts talking about God and even tears up when he explains...
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