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Participant Blogs

Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...

Learning to Love

Since being in Colombia I often asked myself how do I love other people? Out of a society where everybody looks for their own interests and tries to get the best out of everything I didn't know how to love others. I know God loves us so much that He gave His son for us and how Jesus loved other people way back in the past. But how does it look like today? So I went and sought God for it to show me how to do it and for opportunities to put the theoretical knowledge into actions.    God...
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A journey full of God's miracles

Ten days Luke 10 journey - What else as miracles can you expect?   In our first Luke 10 journey in training I was sceptical how God will show up and what he has planned for us. Everything was new for me and I didn't know so much fun will expect me. After this privilege to experience this and hear all the stories from the other groups I was so excited for this faith trip and knew that He will provide and be with us all the time. Praying, listening to God's voice and stepping into his plan were a...
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Friendship and revelations

Two different worlds in one month. Russia: cold and quite people Cuba: hot and open people   The first three days in Havana were really hard for me, because the hot weather and the long walks made me so exhausted. So from this point I started to hope that the next three weeks will go quickly. After a twelve hour truck drive and first meeting with the Gladios members I started to enjoy this time. We had the privilege to build new friendships with them and work in the organisation and their church. In our free time we discovered Santiago...
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God's blessings in the promised land

Everything began at the aiport in Tel aviv on saturady - sabbath - with no public transportations... So we prayed in small groups and got this vers: 'This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.' Joshua 1:9. Perfect vers to hitchhike to the see of galilee! What a great experience!  Six days full of hiking and God's blessings through free bananas, grapefruits, 25 fishes and bread made this definitely my highlight!  This week showed us that God is really with us and...
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Training went so fast!

Welcome to my first blog!  We had the privilege to experience a lot during the training time, but I just want to share two of my highlights. The survival week was one of my favourite times in traning. The fact that we had every day challenges against the other teams to get food changed my thinking about it, we should be thankful for our daily dishes and it is a privilege to have enough to eat. I enjoyed my teammates and the fact that we did everything together as a team. Luke 10- journey: We had the task to travel...
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