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Hadhih Hadia - "This is a gift"

Hadhih Hadia - "This is a gift"
  If I were to ask you to think of the most favorite gift you have ever received, what would your answer be? I am sure you have quite a few just like me but if I were to name but one it would be my time in Spain. I was given the immense privilege to not only give a gift but to receive one much greater than I myself could have hoped for.    Our adventure started in Tarifa. A quaint little seaside town overlooking the glorious mountains of Morocco. Coming from a country where Christianity and Bibles are...
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Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life
    I always thought the words  and then  were a prelude to something wonderful. Like seeing a ship come in or finding a note in your letterbox, when you weren't expecting one. That swift, surprising transition from nothing to everything.  And then .   Two little words that hold a world of promise.  And then  the light pierced through the dark sky, and the rain stopped falling.    And then  I met you.    Uganda, experiencing you was like being ten hears old again, scaling a tree with my eyes bright and skyward, wanting to get higher and higher...
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Beautiful Turkey

Istanbul! How cool was it to be in one city on two different continents!!!! That blew my mind! But what caught me first is how alive everything was. Driving from the airport in Asia to our guesthouse in Europe (I know.. It sounds quite cool.) I saw that this city definitely never sleeps. Buildings light up and dance, all around amazing tulip plantations show you which way to go. I was captivated by the beauty of Turkey. My heart ached at the sight of everything. I knew that this would be my favorite country! When we reached Mavi Guesthouse we...
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Spring-cleaning the attic of my memory

Spring-cleaning the attic of my memory
When you give your life to Christ and submit your past to God, you enter into an agreement with the Almighty. It is a compromise in which He will remove all parts of your being that is not aligned with His will. Your role in the agreement is to submit to Him and have faith in Him. Pretty good deal, right?
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Europe   WoW!! What an amazing journey. While we were still in Canada serving at one of the camps, there was a team helping to facilitate activities for one of the churches at the camp. This organization’s name is Athletes in Action and they spread the gospel through sports ministry, when they heard about our idea to cycle through Europe they helped us get in contact with Athletes in Action in the Netherlands. When we arrived in the Netherland, they welcomed us with open arms as family, an awesome feeling. During the next few days they helped us get bicycles...
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Training went so fast!

Welcome to my first blog!  We had the privilege to experience a lot during the training time, but I just want to share two of my highlights. The survival week was one of my favourite times in traning. The fact that we had every day challenges against the other teams to get food changed my thinking about it, we should be thankful for our daily dishes and it is a privilege to have enough to eat. I enjoyed my teammates and the fact that we did everything together as a team. Luke 10- journey: We had the task to travel...
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Change of heart.

6 weeks ago, if people asked me, why are you doing Global Challenge. My answer would have typically been something in the line of: "I am determined to find God and revelation" or "I want to take my relationship with God deeper and gain wisdom and favor" or even "I want to change the world". Those are typically seen as a pretty honorable answers to the question. Well at least that is what I thought, but never have I been so wrong... After hearing stories, surviving a couple of days in the bush, building a road, trekking the Transkei, Luke...
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After a whirlwind 7 weeks of training, that felt somehow longer than that considering all encompassed in them. I had laughed, cried, been excited, angry, confused, exhausted refreshed, very uncomfortable and so much more. But you see, I'd chosen this ( at least I think so) and when I came to Jeffrey's Bay, South Africa I knew training would be challenging but quite necessary. Well, I didn't foresee my irritation at having to do some athletic exercises on Survivor, being challenged on how I prefer to put God in a box I can wrap my head around when in actual...
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ThIs heat got some beat...

    So after cold and grey Russia we arrived in Cuba..stepping of the plane I was welcomed with the heat of the Caribbean and people talking, laughing and smiling. Driving out of the airport it felt like I went back in time. There is nothing modern in Cuba, everything is still the Same as in the 80's.  I was amazed to see how people just carried on living in that way. The music is everywhere and as you go you catch the one beat from the other one. There's people dancing in the streets in their houses in restaurants....
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A journey full of God's miracles

Ten days Luke 10 journey - What else as miracles can you expect?   In our first Luke 10 journey in training I was sceptical how God will show up and what he has planned for us. Everything was new for me and I didn't know so much fun will expect me. After this privilege to experience this and hear all the stories from the other groups I was so excited for this faith trip and knew that He will provide and be with us all the time. Praying, listening to God's voice and stepping into his plan were a...
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