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Qual e a distancia entre a prática de Lucas 10 e a vida de quem pretende viver uma vida dependente de Deus?

Qual e a distancia entre a prática de Lucas 10 e a vida de quem pretende viver uma vida dependente de Deus?
Em consonância com a prática instaurada por Jesus, descrita em Lucas 10, entre os dias 21 e 29 saímos de Kusadasi (Turquia) sem dinheiro para poder gastar, sem acomodações planeadas, apenas dependendo inteiramente na suficiência de Deus. Sem que determinássemos de uma forma planeada ou escolhêssemos um lugar onde decididamente iríamos por Deus a prova, a ilha de Ciprus, apareceu primeiramente como uma brincadeira quando olhamos pela primeira vez para o mapa da Turquia, possivelmente porque seria o lugar mais distante, mais recôndito onde conseguiríamos chegar com a providência de Deus. No entanto, esta escolha, ganhou significado quando Deus nos...
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What is the distance between the practice of Luke 10 and the lives of those who want to live a life dependent on God?

What is the distance between the practice of Luke 10 and the lives of those who want to live a life dependent on God?
               A ccording to the teachings of Jesus in Luke 10, from the 21 st till the 29 th of August, we left Kusadasi (Turkey) without money to spend, nor any scheduled place to stay in, relying only on God’s provision and guidance. It was without planning and firstly, island of Cyprus , appeared only as a joke possibly because it would be the farthest, most hidden and where we could get to only with the providence of God. However, we started feeling God’s prompting through several evidences that were being shown to us...
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Travelling around Africa, exploring on what the Lord is doing and how He is doing it, listening to great testimonies from the people He's using and how He's using them. One has to sit down and ponder on a question, What is God's mission? Yes, His mission is simple and clear. His mission is not commissioning (matthew28:16-20), His mission is in john 10:16,"I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd." thats His mission.
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The journey West concludes...

The journey West concludes...
Now since we last spoke we travelled to Belize, transit through Guatemala, Panama for a week and then Brazil, with our Luke 10 journey starting in Rio de Janeiro and the rest of the time in Ubatuba and Sao Paulo city.  The Lord has really been so faithful and I can´t wait to start telling you of all that happened…so here we go!   ...Belize... We started our journey out of Panajachel, Guatemala very early on the 21 st of July, on the way to Guatemala City where we spent the day, and at 11 at night we started the...
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Speechless - luke10

Speechless - luke10
We started our journey by feeling that we should go right from the airport, we didn´t know that the only exit from the airport was right, and suddenly realized it was not going to be an easy hike as we were heading down the highway in the blazing sun.  After a while a car picked us up, and took us in to city centre, dropped us off and we started heading down the highway again where a van picked us up and took us on the way to Copacabana. From there on we walked to the closest beach and it...
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"Amen;rain stops; as if to say “Yes now you may go”"

What an amazing country, the two words that came to mind is fruitful and abundance. The team arrived in Limon on the 2nd of June by bus; interesting ride; I never knew a bus could be that cold; I slept in every piece of clothing I could find

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God shows off in Belize!

4AM...Teet-teet-teet...Yaaawn...Wakey wakey we are going to Honduras..Belize!!!!

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Let the Spirit talk

Tobi Basson Last night I was asked : " Yes you believe what you believe, but what about what other people believe and their religion ?" I could not think of anything, but the Spirit of the Lord that is in me, made me say this : " First I did no believe anything, but when I received the Sprit of the Lord, He made me believe. If I was not driven by the Spirit, I would not believe anything ; I would have no religion. So my God is real, for only His Spirit could change me."  
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How To Save A Life

Panajachel is a little town in Guatemala. The vibrant streetlife eccoes the evermoving waters of the lake and the women -all still in traditional dress- carry themselves with the same silent grace with wich the volcanoes rise in the distance. It is here, amidst this coulerful array of life, that we found ourselves living for about a month. 

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Impacted by India


As I write this, I am sitting on a two day train from the North of India to the South. And I literally do not have the words to fully describe what I have experienced here (And for those of you who know me well, that is a miracle in itself ;-)

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