The last couple of days spent with good, old friends, speaking about all the great things Dad has done this year in my own life and heart revealed so much more than I could have anticipated. While listening to Jani speak about how we were called to LOVE, God played "connect the dots"... I was reminded of our Luke 10 in Ecuador, getting a lift from a man. While praying for him, I remember experiencing such a great and overwhelming love for this complete stranger that when he had to leave I just wanted to hug him and felt like...
Participant Blogs
Global Challenge Missions Blog Archive: These are real blogs, from real people, bringing real change...
Probably the most spoken phrase of all time, every time we fail or see something is too difficult for us, or even if it requires too much time or sacrifice. This is probably one of the most difficult habits to break in life. Why? Probably because it roots to self. The one thing that keeps us away from most of things, self like most of us know only consists of 3 things; “me, myself and I”. Oh sorry, that’s all the same thing, just goes to show how bad self is, self-centred and selfish. But how do the words “I...