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Fantastic Journey of Faith

Although my journey of faith only starts in 2013 - it feels like it already has. To see God's provision for my team members and myself thus far has been amazing! As He is preparing my heart for next year - I am just reminded of the gentleman that He is! If I look back at all the miracles, testimonies and great things He has done, helped me through and blessed me with in my life so far, I stand in awe. I believe that next year will be no different!
I have gained new respect for the words "faith" and "obedience" as this is what God has been teaching me more about the last couple of months and even though it might not be the easiest lessons to learn, I believe it is worth it, for I know God and He always keeps His promises! (Just like He reminded me through Ps 84 again this morning while praying about my finances) Therefore, I choose to walk in faith and obedience and invite you to do the same - it is totally worth it!! :) *Blessings!

The Golden Calves in Cambodia...

The Golden Calves in Cambodia...
  'Come on,' they said, 'make us some gods who can lead us. We don't know what happened to this man Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt (land of slavery).'... Then Aaron took all their gold, melted it down, and moulded it into the shape of a calf. When the people saw it, they exclaimed, 'O Israel, these are the gods who brought you out of the land of Egypt and slavery! " - Exodus 32 - This was written thousands of years ago and might seem ridiculous - how could people just decide to make...
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Concrete Heart Turned MuShY

The last couple of days spent with good, old friends, speaking about all the great things Dad has done this year in my own life and heart revealed so much more than I could have anticipated. While listening to Jani speak about how we were called to LOVE, God played "connect the dots"... I was reminded of our Luke 10 in Ecuador, getting a lift from a man. While praying for him, I remember experiencing such a great and overwhelming love for this complete stranger that when he had to leave I just wanted to hug him and felt like...
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Screaming at God in Peru

Screaming at God in Peru
Today we visited a remote village in the middle of the Andes mountains - people who never have or very seldom see any other people than those in their village and has never heard the gospel. What a privilege. We saw how 7-year-olds walk hours of VERY steep mountains, up and down, in the rain and in the cold just to go to school, alone. Wow. We had the awesome opportunity to give them the living word of God!!! We felt God lead us to do a drama about how we so easily make recipes of "How to pray..." Of...
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Fantastic Journey of Faith

Although my journey of faith only starts in 2013 - it feels like it already has. To see God's provision for my team members and myself thus far has been amazing! As He is preparing my heart for next year - I am just reminded of the gentleman that He is! If I look back at all the miracles, testimonies and great things He has done, helped me through and blessed me with in my life so far, I stand in awe. I believe that next year will be no different! I have gained new respect for the words "faith"...
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I think i'm only coming to the realisation of what God has called me to as His child now. Saying that - it is still a journey. What it means to say "yes" and what He means when He tells me to go. We spent most of our lives without knowing the full truth about who we are without Jesus, how rotten and evil our true nature really is and also without the full truth about what Jesus really did and what He enables us to do when He calls us. I am finding myself at a place where God...
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Have you ever thought what your reaction would be if you were to live in biblical times, or if you were to meet up with someone from that time? For the last three weeks we have had the crazy privilege of spending time with an Ezekiel, a John of our times... and no, my reaction was not as "godly" as I thought it would be. my first thought was: "Are you serious? This guy?! Is this the amazing man of God? He looks crazy!!" :) And so this "crazy man" challenged everything I see as truth and asks me to...
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Counting the Cost - Heart for the Hurt

Counting the Cost - Heart for the Hurt
1, 2, 3 ... 109 ... 135 - this is me counting the cost of what it physically means to follow the heart of Jesus into the Amazon if I count the mosquito bites on only one half of my leg with repellent on!! We knew we arrived in the Amazon when we could feel mosquitoes bite us through our clothes before reaching the terminal! And because of the extreme heat that covers you like a thick blanket. We met with the missionaries at the YWAM base near Manaus. They live right next to the HUGE Amazon River :) They...
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Comfort Zone = Danger Zone

Comfort Zone = Danger Zone
I think I understand better now, why Jesus moved and walked around so much instead of staying in one place - well, at least one of the reasons... We get too comfortable too quickly. Our beds, our couch, our pillow, our food, our family and friends, our language - all these things become our comfort zones. We start finding our comfort in them instead of finding it in the Comforter Himself. Today we saw, served, loved and worked with people who have become comfortable... Comfortable in their uncomfortable state. Comfortably stuck in their poverty of spirit. In their helplessness, their...
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Jesus - Interpreting Hearts

Jesus - Interpreting Hearts
We could feel our hearts beat as we have walked quite a while going door to door during the heat of the day to share the heart of The One that captured our hearts.. Then we met Louise - a 60 year old man who lives in the Amazon in his beautiful wooden house. And so Jansie, Kasia and I along with 4 other local missionaries enter this very humble, hospitable "oupa's" house. Immediately I get 3 words - "Children; Father of many; Man of many questions and pain." All we know is that Louise has not accepted Jesus -...
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Following Faith

It's our second week in training and already we can praise God for His faithfulness! How He is teaching us; how we are seeing Him blessing us with His Holy Spirit and how we can already testify about Him working in and through us!! We have already had a camp where God has healed, delivered, freed, forgiven and gave hope! And even through sharing our testimonies in our teams this week we can glorify God for His AMAZING GRACE and MIGHTY POWER TO SAVE! How AWESOME is He?! :) In our finances we see God's hand of provision and I...
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